My rash is back, so that's sexy. On and off all this time I've been getting this funny stressy eczema with lots of tiny thingies all over the palms pf my hands. It's not contagious, for a while I was like OMG HAND HERPES but the doctor's seen it and I'm just allergic to Amsterdam. Apparently there's no cure, so yay! It's a bit annoying as the stress is OVER now, OVER. Hey, body, it's summer. Why not just break out in pustules all over? Why stop at the hands? It's pretty annoying as I've always been one of these hyper hardy people with no allergies and an iron stomach and functional skin and normal glands and all that. I've always subconsciously suspected other people of putting these ailments on. Now I've become one I'm going to whinge in great detail about it and at length in the mistaken idea that it's mildly interesting to anyone else. Yes.
The project went well. I'm not happy with it, not by a long way, but I can't be bothered to talk about it. My brain is currently porridge. Spent three days in a torpor unable to respond to any kind of stimulus. But we got audience and press and nothing went wrong, so on the level of functioning it went well. The project itself - AND CERTAIN COLLEAGUES - I'm thoroughly disappointed with.
We're having a heatwave and I am just warming up to the idea of making my little flat all mine - I've always wanted to live alone. I'm going to paint the place white (currently a grue shade of pink) and my plants on the balcony are doing well and I'm going to get cool furniture from my cool furniture sources. Even so I keep having searing visions of being at home with mum and dad. I never want to leave home again. I want to be a houseplant. Tended by my mother.
Last night Lilian and I watched Dawn Porter, three episodes brought to me by
geshmally , and it was wonderful stuff. THANK YOU ALISON. I've converted Lilian to Dawn, as is right and proper. There was the Dawn becomes a Geisha Girl, Dawn and the Mail Order Brides, and Dawn and the Polygamists. I love how somehow Dawn extracts (something like) a mildly feminist critique without actually ever uttering the words 'feminism', 'patriarchy', 'oppression', 'exotification', etc etc. This is how it has to be on channel four I suppose.
What's weird about all these things is how such extreme examples of patriarchal sway produce conditions of female solidarity remarkably similar to those dreamed up by radical separatist feminists. You're a woman who's not so into sex, loves the home, loves other kids equally to your own, and the company of other women to help you? Polygamy's not such a bad deal. You're a woman who's not so into sex, wants to learn an ancient, exacting discipline/art form alongside other women? Becoming a geisha might not be such a bad thing. You're a woman who wants to party a bit and maybe get out of your country? Become a mail order bride, you get free booze and free meals from stupid western men. It's like nunneries. No institution could be ideologically more restrictive to female freedom, yet if I was in the middle ages I'd have been a nun quick sharp. Free beer, a chance to study and learn a skill, hang out with women, and have some influence on the world. and knit exciting underwear and shag michael palin.
Obviously there's the sex part, which I would miss. But I'm sure there's room for a bit of lesbianism in all this.
I am so many light years away of thinking of these setups as even mildly acceptable in the world, but I suppose this is why the women (aside from the fact of their false consciousness, I don't care how un-PC it is there is a strong element of THEY DON'T KNOW THEY DON'T KNOW of their situations) - I suppose this is why the women don't rise up against it. Because it's not only bearable, it's pleasant.
Dawn let the fellas off far too lightly in all of this I think. Oh, and, you know, the patriarchy. But never mind. In the absence of any actual feminist perspective on Channel Four, we love Dawn.