The Pirate Bay: wankers. Come on. Why don't they just say: sod this for a game of soldiers, we've decided to admit defeat, take the money, and run. That would be fair enough. If they were just to sell and then disavow the new Pirate Bay, users would stop seeding, would give their moral/financial/legal support to new filesharing sites, and TPB could openly pocket their 8 million as recompense for all the work and stress they've had. They've still got a 3million legal costs shortfall, and 8 million is peanuts for TPB anyway.
What also pisses me off is the selling out despite having had legal funding from internet users. If it had always been a private concern, fine, do what you want. The moment you have a legal fund, you can understand that people are supporting you both morally and financially, and you've then got at least an implied responsibility to those funders to continue according the the values they're supporting.
I don't understand all this talk about a 'new business model', which is just doublespeak for 'we'll leave the proprietary copyright system totally untouched'. It sounds like someone switched their brains over overnight, as I can't see any other way for this about-face. They've abandoned all their values.