Feb 14, 2003 23:33
The more difficult Valentines Day can be. I was just thinking that before I went to class this morning. posh, 10 years ago, I couldn't give a damn about valentines day. All ya REALLY cared about was getting all those different barbie valentines in those little pouches ya made in art class, and reading the cool messages on those candy heart things... Now, its like, you're sitting in the BCC cafeteria, and a guy walks in with like, 20 roses, hands them to his girlfriend and kisses her, and ya wanna cry! lol, its such a dramatic holiday. I've been dreading it, but not to a great extent. I can deal with watching others. I think I was just sort of preparing myself for today to suck. Last valentines day was SOOOO mushy and romantic and wonderful, that I knew this one would be nothing like it. So I expected it to bite. And, being predictable, I got up, and I was in the most downcast mood. I was like completely drained of energy. I didn't even feel like smiling. And yet, I couldn't really pinpoint what I felt so down about. We picked up my car, which is a total yay because now its all better. Then went to class. Then, we went back over to the humane society, to check out some pups. Its weird, it feels like its been a while since we had to put Rocky down, but when we said it, it really didn't sound like a long time. Not even a month. That makes me feel really weird about going around looking at puppies. But we did. And you'll never guess which one my mom wanted to get the second she saw it. A frickin pitbull. Ok, it was really kinda pretty and didn't really look all like a pitbull...but still, a PITTBULL. ICK!!! She would have definately protected me, but probably would have eaten cody........we should have gotten it. Naw, cuz it would have had my kitties for desert. Then I would have broken its neck. lol, but we're kinda into two different breeds. My mom is like, obbsessed with a bulldog, and has been since forever. NO clue why, I don't think they're cute, but I could deal with one better than a pitbull. And then Pembroke Corgi's. They are the cutest thing I've seen in a long time. They're short little suckers, with huge ears. Adorable. So we're going to look at some either tomorrow or sunday before I have to work. blah. Oh hey, work today was pretty damn good. lol, I'll get to that in a min. But when I first got there I felt blue again. Then I started chatting with peoples and I felt better. Not so alone, I guess in things. It ended up being kind of fun after a while. I'm a good "conversationalist". dork :-P But then...this is where it got damn better...lol, ok, so I'm packing a somewhat large order for Scott, and I see this dude walk by. And he looks at me. And I know positively that its Adam. I talk to the kid WAY more than I see him, so its not always that easy to recognize him. But I know its him. And I wanna take him through my line so we can actually talk. But no one else is upfront to pack. Crap. So I do some, and then somehow (must be fate, HA) even though my light is off, he just walks in my line checkin out the diluted candy rack. YESSS. So, opps, I gotta go. Mike took over after a little while, and I opened up just for my somewhat Valentine :-D I was SOOOOO happy that he didn't forget. And I have seriously only seen him, like, 3 or 4 times, and all those times have been pretty quick and non-chatful. But we actually had CONVERSATION. lol...it was aright though. And now, I'm sorry but I gotta say getting a better look at him... I found him quite intoxicating, hehe. Like, for all his complaining about how he hates what his face looks like, thats probably what I was most intruiged with. He has really nice colored eyes. lol, its bad to say, but even after he left I couldn't quite get my mind off him for a while. Bah, I really shouldn't think half the things I think about him. But I'll move on, I feel like I'm lingering on about him when I know I shouldn't. We'll just leave it at "He made my night a WHOLE lot better". There. End of that. Rest of work was just fine. Thought I'd get a reoccurance of violent boy out back, since he was all about talkin smack. But then I think he got a bit scared and left. Yeah... ok, prolly not. more than likely, just bored and tired of waiting for me.
My mom liked the flowers I got her. Yay!!! And I guess she had an okay night here. Chatted with some pals. But she got me this movie that I haven't been able to find anywheres. Its a really OLD OLD movie that I used to watch when I was like 5. Then I'd go in the bathroom and sing songs from it in the tub. I'd make little talent shows along the edge of the tub with my My Little Ponies, and my Little Mermaid happy meal toys.... ok, thats enough talking about that. nevermind, thats embarassing. And I guess thats enough for tonight. This is getting stupidly long. G*nite.... (Geoff just called me "Mego-in-law"...)