Have been hearing more and more about the losers that decided their boas ---- and I don't mean the pink ones with feathers.....are getting just a bit too large to have in the cage, their bedroom, their bathroom, their garage, or even their yard.......Why it is even legal to own these 'pets' is beyond me.. I don't see a lot of alligators in the pet store, but there are plenty of boas, etc, etc..... Oh yes and don't forgt the monitor lizards and the iguanas.....lots of fun to see in the store and bring home for 6 months, but then, ........
So guess what, they throw them away, anywhere they can...no collar, no shots, no background check to see if the owner can handle them til death to us part....just open the door and walk away.
So thanks a lot you #&(
!@%&)^%## and otherwise stupid people.....In the Everglades there are now 10,000 boas, eating everything in sight...no, they don't just eat once a week or til they are full....they eat until there is nothing more to eat...then they digest. So the Floridians can hardly wait for them to come to their backyard.....and guess what....they swam the 6 miles from the Everglades to the northern most of the Florida Keys and there they are.....Oh happy day!!!!
Wait til one knocks on your door.....or in your toilet, or eats your favorite pet, or suddenly you realize there are no sing birds, etc, etc.
I know this is not the most read posting, but hey, if someone sees this....tell any idiots you know, to get rid of their pets in a humane and proper way.....or better yet.....DON'T BUY THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE.!!!! LATER MIMI!!