So, I just finished the SPN season finale and I ....really liked it? Looking at a few reactions on my flist it seems that it was received with mixed feelings. Why is that you are often more able to enjoy things you aren't that much emotionally invested in? The more you care the more critical you seem to get. Or perhaps that's just me
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Originally I wanted post pictures of the lovely spring weather over here and tell you about my roasted limbs but then I saw the new S3 Heroes promo. And I got excited.
So I leave you with this picture and tons of spoilery Heroes screencaps under the cut. :D
If you are as annoyed as I have been by those irritating snapshots on LJ, see here how to get rid of them. Many thanks to wee_warrior for her detective skills.
I recently tried to clean my hard drive because it's as messy as my room and I stumbled over a few Hayden pics where his hands absolutely killed me. Naturally I had to look for more and the result is a HHPS, a Hayden Hand Pic Spam:
WAhhhhhh, we finally have what looks like a trailer for Virgin Territory or Chasing Temptation, formerly known as Guilty Pleasures, also known as Angels and Virgins and The Decameron: Via Megaupload
I'm starting to get really envious that you have all seen Pirates and Superman while we still have to wait for those movies to get released over here. My friends page is full of movie reviews but I tried to avoid those posts because I don't want to get spoiled. But is it really that good? Better than the first one
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So, while excessively refreshing the RH ALGIE post and waiting for the next update I aimlessly wandered over to JustJared who proved once again to be the best Ryan stalker.