cleaning // laundry // university

May 12, 2007 01:04

I suppose today was a little different, but I was really in the mood to clean.

Having no classes on Friday have been nice, because I like to sleep in.

I spent the day doing laundry, cleaning the bathroom, moving things around and vacuuming my room.

It feels so nice to have the place all clean, I could roll around on the floor!

My bedsheets were completely washed, too. When they came out of the dryer, they were wet... but I didn't have my quarters with me. I didn't think it was too bad, so I took it back. After folding what seemed to be a mountain of laundry, I took out my hair dryer and dried off my blanket as well as I could.

I remember the last time I used that hair dryer. It must have been Freshman year of university. You see, since perming my hair, I no longer use the hair dryer. When my hair was straight, it was quite thin and required a lot of volume... I used the hair dryer to help try to gain that, but by the end of the day, it would die and no longer be, well... nice.

Having my hair permed like this really helps make it look volumized. That's kind of nice, I think.

Cleaning your room makes you find things, you know? Things you might have forgotten about. I found a few cards from various people, and it made me wonder how true their writing was and still is... that is, if it is, well, still is. Haha.

Ron and I the other day were walking back from class, and I realized it may be the last quarter I see so much of him. I really love him tons. I wonder if our paths will cross in the future? I sure would hope so.

Liz too. Liz and I have known each other since high school and she has even gone to the same junior high as me.

Am I really graduating this year?

My current path that I walk... I really hope it will meld with the path that I had intended.

Is such a mundane life really so interesting as one writes it?

friends, school, life, graduation, laundry, cleaning

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