domain // random // fft: the lion war // soul calibur wii // final fantasy

May 10, 2007 01:44

Recently I've been thinking about changing my domain name, to something else.

I was thinking of miluda.* (.com is the only miluda domain that is taken) or or something else? You see, I've been thinking about how there are certain people who have their own name as a domain, and then also having another alias, or perferred domain holding their portfolios or resumes online. It would help me out a lot to have one, so I was thinking of doing just that.

I'm not attached to at all, it also sounds kind of silly and not personal enough. If I could, I'd take or the like, but I think I will just park my name as a domain and then redirect it to my preferred one.

The name of my art website that has rarely seen the light of day (or the internet, for that matter) is named "tentative," and I also have the LiveJournal account of tentative for use as a lazy update blog.

Changing a domain name is a big thing-- I still get e-mail to, I have pictures with that e-mail address, things like that. Perhaps I should just park and then use another domain as my main... hm. I'm really not sure what I should do.

I also would love to hear any suggestions to domain names that might fit me. I realized just now the two above domain names I've listed are related to Final Fantasy Tactics (not that I ever stopped loving the game...)

Currently, I have many accounts under atkascha and miluda on various websites and games, and even tons more under michiru_mama, michirumama, michiruatuchi, and even michiru.

And I probably should be sleeping now since I have a midterm, but agggh. I really should get to doing that, hmm?

And if anyone has anything random to tell me, felt like sharing something, whatever whatever whatever, you can write it in a comment, or you can e-mail me! I don't know how soon I'd reply, my online time has been quite sporadic.

Oh. Yes. Final Fantasy Tactics: The Lion War is officially out in Japan. I wonder how long until we can get it here in the United States... not that I have a PSP on hand!

Speaking of games, there's one more! There's a new game related to the Soul Calibur series that is going to be released on the Nintendo Wii, and I don't have that either! It's not going to be fighting genre, more like adventure, or something like that.

But... there is, however, going to be a fighting game released related to the Final Fantasy series! Check out this scan.

I can recognize three characters, that's Warrior of Light, Kuja, and Zidane...

EDIT: Way too cute. FFT & FFTA related. ... and I switched from one long-haired wavy haired chick to another long-haired wavy haired chick. Michiru and Miluda, hurrr!

Date created: 2002-05-09 20:54:04
Date updated: 2007-05-10 09:01:46, 10 hours ago

WHOO. 5 years on LiveJournal.

resume, chris, final fantasy tactics, final fantasy, career, midterm, hello my entries are public, future, agrias, school, life, job, female knights ftw, miluda, identify, soul calibur, domain name

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