a. Choose 20 people from your friends list by using randomizer.org.
b. Write something about/to each of them.
c. Don't tell anyone who the statements are about. Good or bad. No matter how they beg!
d. But please do try to guess. That's what makes this fun! (And do tell if they guess correctly!)
1) I met you over deviantART and we sort of declared ourselves siblings at one point so we took the motto of "Let's Improve Together!" It was nice-- I kind of felt like your skill in art was just way superior in comparison to mine because your art just feels more refined, but I was happy you were my friend. You don't really update LJ much anymore, and I still think about you sometimes. I think we sort of stopped talking because my lack of activity at deviantART, but I still looove you! Your art is actually (still) in my userinfo, and I think you acknowledged it not too long ago. I miss you tons, and I still think that if you want to continue to be internet siblings, let's go for it! Let's Improve Together!
2) I met you at deviantART-- you were yet another one of those people from the Phillippines, but you weren't part of the first group. You hung out with me (sorta) and we chatted about Natsuki and Shizuru~ it was so fun. It was fun to spend time with you, and we made matching dA accounts... sorry I'm not so into dA anymore, but you're still my friend and I still love you lots! I'm not on Yahoo as often as I used to be, but I'm still thinking about you. I read your journal even though I don't often comment, and I think of you fondly. I hope you're happy doing what you do. I still consider you a great friend of mine, even though we don't actively maintain contact (I don't think it's really required sometimes)...
3) (
akutenshi_13) I met you over at deviantART. I first saw your art separately from the rest of the Phillippines crew, but soon found out you all knew each other. I don't know you too well, but we have chatted a few times over Yahoo. I also know your girlfriend. I only recently added you to LJ, but I've known you before that. I love your art, I really do~
4) (
andarton) Haha, another person from deviantART. I met you and you had an interesting art style that most people didn't have. You update your journal at a pretty good rate (not too much, not too little)... and those coffee stain notes were interesting. I don't usually comment (because I don't know what to say, and sometimes I do) but I do read and I pay attention. I'm sorry I never really got to finish that kiriban for you-- I feel bad, because even now I don't draw art for myself... You've gone through quite a bit of ups and downs, and I hope everything continues up from now on.
5) (
aufleuchten) I met you in a role play for the Final Fantasy series. I really miss the small CR you shared with my Ovelia. I've kept you on my list since that time the 'exodus' happened because you are totally drama-free. In all of the RPs you've been in and has had drama (from what I know), you're still totally drama-free. That's awesome and you're a funny person. I just think it's funny when you randomly comment on a few friends entries and every single time you comment (just about) it's something totally hilariously funny. Fate/Stay Night fan, FFT fan, it's just nice. It's nice to know that you've been playing Ragnarok Online, too, so that's now another thing we have in common. Too bad AndzRO went stupid, huh? And yes. I was apping Miluda for before the RP died. You silly Wiegraf fan, you!
6) I met you through a mutual friend at the time. I also went to visit you in the place you live! It was totally fun, and it was nice to meet your boyfriend and other friends. You are really good at DDR, and I wish I could be as good! You update at a pretty high frequency! (It's not bad, I'm just saying!) You make great LiveJournal layouts and have lots of great Photoshop work. Sorry to hear that you've gotten a lot of drama, hope that clears up for you (and people to stop stalking you!)
7) (
chironsoldier) I met you at UCSC through a mutual friend. I think you understand what kind of person I am, and that's kind of nice that I don't have to explain myself. It seems like a lot of things in your life lately have been kind of bad, and you seem kind of sad and depressed lately, and I'm not sure what to say to that. I never really comment too often, but I'm reading about you. I care about you, and I think you care about me too, but it's just hard to tell with me, you know? I'm sorry I'm not as affectionate or share as much care as I should... I think I knew you since late Freshman year or so. I hope things get better for you.
8) I met you in Junior High! Wow, it's been so many years now. You saw me when I was ugly, congratulations! Haha, just kidding. It was nice to have a friend like you because you accepted me for who I was and not how popular or how pretty I was. Or even how smart I was. I don't know. I never thought I was that smart, but that's another story. You currently go to UCSC with me, and you're affliated with Cowell, I believe. I'm glad to have you as a friend over a years, and it was nice to see how we've changed as people. I know I'm horrible with the maintaining contact deal (read the one above, too, I suck at affection too)... but still, I think of you fondly and I love you tons.
9) I think you're from United Kingdom? If I remember correctly. We've talked a few times over LiveJournal comments and MSN... and I think you also have a deviantART account, but I didn't quite "meet" you there-- I think you came to meet me instead on my LiveJournal (and you started with a random comment...)... yes! We haven't talked much since, I believe. You went offline for a while, too...
10) (
first_tears) I met you in a role play. The first time I met you, I did some crazy antics that made you think I was trying to initate you into some secret club. Sorry about that! I'm glad you're my friend now, and it's so much fun to spend time with you... we've done so many things together, like watch various episodes of Utena, watch RENT, talked on the phone, talked in Ventrilo, played Ragnarok Online, talked online... role-played together. You make me mucho happy, and I'm so happy to have you as my friend. I think my joining that particular role play I met you at allowed me to meet you... I'm so sorry if I've ever caused you some unnecessary trouble and if we've cried and hurt each other at times, but I love you very much and I hope you stay around for a long time. I could say so much more, but what's the point in this thing? I might as well tell you myself-- even as I write this, we are talking to one another. Friends forever, okay? ♥ ♥ ♥ No matter what, okay?
11) This is actually another journal of yours! Comment with your main! Uh... we met over deviantART, and you're from the Phillippines. I'm glad to have a chance to be on your friendslist! You're in the group of friends from the Phillippines (I include you in that group because it's easier for me)... I met your boyfriend and he once drew an image of my likeness. It was really cute... you're a really pretty person and you have a human quality to you, and I really like knowing you. I hope things continue to stay in a good way, and I'm sorry I don't log into Yahoo as often as I should!
12) (
mamorunooni) I met you in a role play. The first time I met you was something I didn't really remember too well, because that was the end of another role play. I met you in the second role play. I bonded with you and another person within the first two weeks of my joining this role play, and I still know you to this day. You're a kind person, all though a bit snarky, but that's okay. I can tell you really care about me, and you're quite protective of me, and you tell me I talk quite a bit of sense. I'm glad you're around, and it's nice to have you as a friend. I still can't snark as good as you. GRR. I think Chris-mun wrote about me in her meme (this same meme) and said I had a hidden snarky side. Gasp, so cute. Your fault.
13) I met you through a mutual friend. I don't know you too well, really-- but it was nice when you sent me that card for the holidays. Thank you for that. This is actually your new journal! You seem to be a very kind, caring person. You went offline for a while after you added me, but I think you're sort of half back? Hopefully life's treating you well.
14) (
nangbaby) We met ages ago, online. Yes, at one point in my 13-turning-14 year old life, you were there. We met at a message forum for Capcom-- sort of. I met someone else there, and he was at the same board-- eventually, we broke off from the Capcom forum and went to his board. We chatted there a little more, but I left because of various reasons. Then we sort of just kept in touch with LJ, I think. I can't quite remember. You give yourself less credit than you deserve, and it's really nice when you're confident and positive. ... it's rare, but I've seen it happen. Regardless of such, you may be one of the oldest friends I have on this LJ (not LJ itself, but the time I've known you, rather) and I'm glad you're still around. I like when we are able to chat, and I think of you to be a very intelligent, witty person. Sorry I'm not online as much, and sorry that I'm horrible at initiating conversation (... wow, I seem to be writing that sort of thing all over this meme. I really suck, socially!)
15) I met you through a mutual friend. You seem nice. Yes. And you play Ragnarok Online. But you know what, next time you're a TK, I'm a FS Aco, and a friend of ours is a Mage, try not to let the mantis kill us, okay? Because while I can probably semi-tank for the Mage, I can't semi-tank for the TK, who can actually handle hits. ;_; OKAY? But anyway. You're an interesting guy, I think. Haha. Just don't let that guy who keeps asking about the forums bug you too much. Too much good energy expelled for that guy.
16) (
samuraimarmoset) I met you through a role play! My first impression was that I didn't really understand your jokes. They were totally lame, okay! But after a while, I got used to them, and it's soooo cute!! I'm sorry Agrias didn't work out so well for you, but I guess if you never dropped Agrias, I would have never joined. Yipes! You're such a weird guy, you know that? But it's so much fun to be around you, and it's nice to get to know you a little better recently. You've got a kind heart, you're such a sweet guy, and you're soooo friggin' cuuuuute! It's a great thing that you're a part of my role play now and it's a great thing that we were able to thread our characters in a previous game. Also, I will not lose to you. I cannot die. I am an android. I'm freaking CUTIE HONEY! Batman's got nothing on me! You're a great friend, and it's nice to keep you as one!
17) (
sifrid) I met you through a role play! I actually didn't know we had played in the same game before and was going around thinking, "huh, I keep hearing about this person, but we've never actually met!" What a small world, I guess, but since I knew at least one person from the other crew (of that previous-previous game we never played at the same time in) I suppose I was bound to have met you anyway. It's nice to get to know you and actually find out that you are in fact a nice person (which was what my impression was of!)... it's fun to chat with you and I was amazed on how well we connect. I know that we've gotten kind of close in such a short period of time, but I hope I get to know you for longer. I really like being around you, and I hope you're enjoying Ragnarok Online. I'll get to play with you sometime soon, I hope! It's fun to thread with you, chat with you about anything, and you're fun and cute. Hahaha. Hope you're still enjoying the way I talk, you linguistics person, you. Also, stop being so attractive, it's making me want to flock to you. GRRR. ♥ I really care about you and I can tell you care right back. I'm glad to have you as friend, and I hope we stay friends for longer. ♥ Love you much~
18) (
space_coyote) This is your public livejournal! We met over an art theft ordeal at one of my real life friend's (she's a maintainer) monthly contest. Since that time, I'm really glad to have gotten to know you! I know I suck at thinking of things to talk about, but it doesn't mean I care any less or have moved on. I really still care about you-- if anything is ever bothering you or if you just want to chat, just send me an IM, okay? I know I'm horrible at initiating (ugh, I've written this so many times in this meme, sob, I'm a horrible friend) and kinda sucky at maintaining conversations (but it's not important that we always HAVE to maintain a convo) but I still think about you and wonder how you are. I hope your new job works out, and I'll miss seeing your name online when you're in Japanish. ;__;~ I had so much fun when I went to visit you, so I'm hoping someday I could do it again. Unfortunately, the only way to do that is at least complete school first, so I'm hoping I could do that and head back up there in the land of Maple Leaves and whatever moo moo sneeee stuff and see you again. I really wanted to see fireworks again, waugh. Augh, I could say so much more. Thank you for introducing me to Houshin Engi, Cutie Honey, etc, etc... joining that role play with me, role playing with me, chatting with me... just putting up with my I-can't-think-of-things-to-talk-about self. I really love you, and I hope we stay friends for longer. It's got to be like this! Your luck is going to be good! And it's going to stay good, dammit!
19) (
thegamehiker) I met you in my role play! I've never heard of you otherwise, but you seem to have a history with a few of our mutual friends. The first time I met you, I was like, "Who?" and didn't really understand your speech too well, but (like #16 listed above-- maybe I just don't understand guyish speech?) when I started talking to you more, I found out you were a really nice guy. I'm glad to have you as a friend now (and just like all the other answers, I'm horrible at initiating) and it's nice to have you in chat... to meet you and stuffs! You're a good role player and it's nice to see that you've branched out and started to attempt females (more than I can do-- I still play only girls!). Hopefully we can also have that history the rest of our mutual friends have with you!
20) (
this_quiet) Yay, another person from the Phillippines! But I didn't meet you over at deviantART, no! I think I met you over LJ, when you added me (and a lot of the other Corny crew)~ it's nice to see what you have to say and think about and YES KEIRA KNIGHTLEY YES~ It's very interesting to read your entries, and it's nice to have you on my list. Even though we don't talk outside of LJ, it's still nice to have some conversations with you on LJ (when I do comment, or when you comment on my entries). Either way, I still consider you a friend, and it's nice to know more and more of you silly people from the Phillippines~! Also, your photoshop skills are win.