She dislikes food poisoning.

Aug 08, 2006 22:44

Today is almost over... but it still feels so early...

Hmm... August 8th is Father's Day in Taiwan. We don't do anything for it here.

August 8th... Taiwanese cigarettes and peanuts... I smelled that so many years ago. I kind of wish I could smell those things again...

So yesterday I had a horrible night. Food poisoning and throwing up is not very fun. My dad said he was surprised it was for so many hours, too... sigh. I've got to get some rest tonight. I was feeling really warm yesterday, and today too. The kind of uncomfortable warm, and you just know everything around you is not feeling as warm as you are.

And I took photos of my hot jeans I got at GAP. If you've heard the voice post, it says I bought a shirt, but soon after I made that voice post, I actually had some guy at the fitting room at GAP check me out while wearing those new pants I bought. Ha. And I didn't even notice until someone pointed it out, too.

Been doing a lot of things recently... sorry if I haven't been around lately.

I feel like I've got a lot to update about and nothing to update about at the same time. At the moment, I think I'll refrain.

mom, random, dreams, not choosing between chris or agrias, health, thoughts, hello my entries are public, love, tired, sick, family, life, hello this entry is public, home, internet, grandfather, pointless crud, touched

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