She updates from class.

Apr 10, 2006 09:29

This weekend I hung out with satou_sei and diogenesshadow. Probably might even see them later today, but I need to do my project with Lyssette.

This class I'm in is entirely boring--I often feel that I know more than the instructor about web design and etc, etc... so I almost wish I didn't need to attend this class. But oh well.

I still want to update about so many things, but haven't gotten the chance to yet. And this keyboard's space bar really sucks... err, most of the keys don't seem to work well.

I usually don't get bored easily, but frankly, I'm terribly bored.


I hope most of you are doing well.

Edit: 11:41AM. I can't believe it took him that long to create a table. Ugh. He's not teaching HTML itself; it's more of the design aspect he is looking more toward, but since no one knows HTML in that class just yet, they are using the WYSIWYG editor in Dreamweaver, and... it's just... ugh... all that unecessary code... he's like, "This is a style!!" and uses CSS to... change fonts in each part of his file... instead of just using an easy font color tag...

And the webpages he shows us aren't very... well, appealing in design.

Well, as long as this class gives me an easy A, I shouldn't complain. I'll use it to try and help myself create another website while I'm waiting for him to finish lecturing.

Edit2: LJ; Removed some people for one of these reasons: update too often, too cyptic for me, haven't read their entries for a while, community not interested in, never will use LJ. My entries are still public, so you are all still more than welcome to read (and/or comment) in mine.

Keep in mind, I sometimes hop on people's personal journals from my "friends of" list to check on at own leisure. If you want to keep me added (especially those who are friends only) thank you, if not, that's all right with me; I competely understand.

And since I have to do this each time I remove people, yes, you are still more than welcome to do other things with me. LJ is not the only world that my life revolves around. Thank you.

school, life, friends, friends-cut, hello my entries are public, sleep, pointless crud, stupidity, sucks

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