She umm, subject goes here.

Feb 16, 2006 23:46

Well, I guess that was a mistake on my part... I had no idea. Now I feel really bad...

The internet has been pretty stable for a while now, so I think it should be back for good.

I had wanted to ink something, but then realized I didn't have any pens, so I ended up using a thin Sharpie. It smelled really bad, but it worked.

Let's see... luckily, my TA canceled literature section on Tuesday on the account that we had no lecture Monday. That was... nice. Well, it only means I have one more day to look over my essay.

I've still been in a really "eh" or maybe it should be "cruddy" mood. My attempts at cheering myself so far has been pretty... well, pretty fruitless.

Lately, I haven't been able to get out of bed as easily as I used to. It used to be that I could just set up an alarm, and then hop right out of bed once it went off, no matter what time it was. Now... I find myself pressing the snooze button. And then just sleeping some more-- if I didn't need to go anywhere, I'd just keep pressing that snooze button each time it went off until I was satisfied or perhaps sick of staying in bed. I've started setting up a second alarm on my cell phone, but I'd just snooze that one too, and they both would go off in a consecutive order...

Well, if I didn't need to go anywhere, I think that's okay. 5 more minutes. 5 more minutes. Another 5 more minutes... okay, one hour, that's okay...

Hmm. I guess I learned something new... I wish people told me what they thought of me before I go make them uncomfortable or offend them. I guess that's the reason why I never really contact people. Just... very poor at social things, I think. I just think I'm going to make a mistake and upset them somehow. And not just think-- I've done. It's happened.

I had wanted to reply, but I've done enough damage, and I'm sorry for even saying anything, even if they probably won't see this.

I think I'm going to go find things to distract myself with. I don't feel like working on my final draft or whatever.

fictional women, life, female knights ftw, health, depression, internet, hello my entries are public, angst, stupidity

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