Michiru's day filled with laughter.

Jan 29, 2006 00:57

It's been a long time since I've laughed this much. It hurts to laugh-- but it's okay. I love it.

Thanks, all of you. I'm glad you're all here, because I'd be sad without you. You guys always make me feel better. I love how we're so supportive of each other. I feel like I should be sad-- and I really should... but... really, thank you all. I'm so glad to have you with me.

I want to log AIM chats and such-- since in the past all I've done is saved them manually. Sometimes my computer crashes, and it's annoying to have that happen so often. Do any of you guys use anything to log your AIM chats besides Trillian, GAIM, or DeadAIM? I currently have a 60-day trial of Messenger History, by GiGasoft. Anyone have the full version or anything else they'd recommend?

Tomorrow, a trip to the library! Joy! And writing my essay. Melville's work is so boring... at least to me.

Painting painting painting painting painting. How people can make that their career is amazing! Please, let my results be favorable!

Oh. Happy Lunar New Year, everyone!!!

laughing, dreams, painting, cf, health, hello my entries are public, love, heartbroken, tmh;dpa, happy, life, female knights ftw, shukusei, friends, internet, no regrets, angst, touched, thanks

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