Jan 23, 2005 14:46
doo doo doo... i wonder if it was a bad sign that i was so reluctant to let my dad use the computer out of my line of vision. i mean, there's only one thing on here that's really compromising, but there was still something i didn't like about it. probably stemming from the following:
dad: (comes upstairs. knocks. comes in before i respond. thanks dad.) i need the computer to do the FAFSA
me: (currently has no less than 6 applications open and is downloading the new gackt PV) umm... just a second.
a long minute passes in which i close winamp, winmx, AIM, windows media, realplayer (i still don't know why that was open in the first place...) and finally internet explorer to reveal my current background.
dad: who the hell is that? is he one of your japanese anime star trek people?
me: no. hyde is a real person. he sings. in a band. you've seen him before.
dad: i have?
me: yes dad, on pop japan tv. the video with the cage?
dad: oh yeah!... that was a weird video. why was he in a cage again?
me: 'cause he's hyde, dad.
dad: (looks confused, wanders out)
mm, another headdesk moment c/o my dad. good times. when i came downstairs later to make sure he hadn't found sensitive pornograph, the fafsa thing was closed and the computer was just chilling on his lap. no applications open. just hyde and my dad.
i was trying to imagine though, what i would say if he did find it... that's a conversation i'd like to have on tape. "dad, i have something to tell you..." what an ominous beginning.