la, got the comp back after a night of not having it. i never thought i was one of those people who can't go a day without the computer, but... i guess i am.
ok, i think the time from yesterday at 8 until today at 5 wins the prize for worst 21 hours OF MY LIFE!!! ok, i never like to make sweeping statements, but those 21 hours blew me really hard and they're at least in the running.
the last night part was just really bad. dad was... really really pissed. for those of you who know my dad, i'm sure you're all like, "wtf?" because my dad is usually just all dumb and harmless and daddy-like. but he was not last night. he was scary daddy, and i was not liking it one bit.
i have discovered an innate talent for understatement and making light of extremely frightening situations. sarah knows... but yeah, i'd really rather not talk about it. anyway, the next part of the story is better
so i was all mad at him and didn't know what his deal was, and i didn't talk to him at all on the ride to school because i wanted to throw him off a cliff. plus, i had the urge to call my mom and be like, "umm, i'm not coming home, kthxbyeeee" but i eventually realized that was a bad idea.
so mom comes to pick me up and the first thing she says to me is, "did you and your father reach an agreement?" OF COURSE NOT, WENCH!!!!! and thennnnnn she started going on and on, in true mom fashion, about how i should have stopped myself before i went downstairs to argue with him (for the love of god, woman, i can't help my nature), and i shouldn't have slammed the doors, and she was totally ignoring the fact that dad ran upstairs looking all scary for the sake of telling me i was wrong...
and i got a little mad.
now, i don't know if any of you have seen me truly angry. it's not a pretty sight. and really, only my mom has the ability to piss me off so much that i don't know what to do with myself and i just... break things. i don't know why... but i just had the urge to hit something really hard.
unfortunately for my sanity, the only thing within reach, since we were in the car, was the sun visor. so i started hitting it. i only got to hit it three times before it sort of... snapped off. (sweatdropxinfinity) i tried to fix it, but it didn't work. and i was like, "cool, as if i really needed one more shite thing to happen to me."
and then my mooooooooooooooom was like, "hannah, you really need to control yourself; this is what i'm talking about."
and then i said the meanest thing i think i've ever said in my life:
"you just hate me all day, every day. i hope you're glad when i leave home and never come back."
i didn't realize until later what a terrible thing this was to say... i was so upset that i didn't even understand myself anymore. but i had to call dad, since i knew he wouldn't talk to me once he got home. but then my mom barges in and says, "ok, well, if i hate you, then fine -- tell dad I broke the mirror."
i like how i'm old enough now that my mom advocates lying
cue huck (i mean hyde...good old freud) for a crisis of conscience! it was the weirdest thing... this whole ordeal was weird. anyway, i called my dad and apologized for arguing with him, and he apologized and said he had had a really bad day at work, and brought it home with him, and he shouldn't have and he was sorry. and i was all dry until then, because then i had to tell him that i broke the visor mirror thingy.
so this is my impression of me: "and, and.. daddy. on the way home, i got really upset, and i was flailing around and stuff, and i... i broke that mirror thing. that visor thing that you flip down? i snapped off and i tried (sob) to fix it but i couldn't get it back in (sob) and (sobbbbb) i'll pay for it and everything, and i'm really sorry (SOBBBBB) and i know it was stupid, and, and --"
fortunately daddy is naturally merciful and put me out of my misery by telling me it was ok, and he'd get out the duct tape when he got home and take a look at it.
this is why i love my daddy
so yeah... it was pretty epic. after i called my dad i called sarah and realized i needed to go downstairs right away and apologize to my mom, since that was one of the meaner things i've said to her in a while. she knew i didn't mean it -- since when do i think before i speak? even though she infuriates me, at least she understands me.
mm, time for a nap. and then -- KYOU KARA MAOU!! fucking stupid yuurixwolfram fangirls. i want to burn their rabidness alive and then toss them off a cliff. not that i hate wolfram. he's cute. i'd do 'im. but two ukes can't fuck. and plus, conrad is just hotter. the end.
[EDIT//11:54 PM EST -- 21 JAN 05// so i was feeling a little defensive, and i added "conradxyuuri" to my interests list, yeah? there are exactly 6 people interested in that. six. roku. one more than i can count on ONE FREAKING HAND. now i'm sad. why do american fangirls suck so much?]