Jan 31, 2006 11:14
Ra. Overslept this morning! My fault, I suppose - I was up til about 2 doing computery things last night, ra. Still, not as though I had to be up for anything in particular. Anyway, just been working on our myspace site - www.myspace.com/respondofficial - trying to get it to upload music and pics; sadly my internet connection is too slow to let me, so I'll have to wait until tomorrow when I can use Nath's broadband connection.
Well, it was a pretty good weekend. Went out on Fri nite with Fi (yay!). She was back for the weekend for her mum n sis's b'days, so we decided to go out for a few drinks, as it's been a fair old while since we last went out together. Sadly, our choice of places to go was limited to Stamford, which turned out to be totally dead. Seriously - no-one around! So we ended up in the Periwig, drinking Stella and having our trademark brutally honest conversations. Last people to be thrown out of the place at about half 1, so we grabbed some food and headed home for more booze and more random talking. On Sat, went into town in the morning so Fi could get some bits, and then ran her over to her 'rents. Had a quick chat with Paul and Sheila, then headed home to watch all the FA Cup action.
Also got an application pack through for a job - a pretty good one too! Working as a science tech at Queen Eleanor school in Stamford. It'd be perfect - good pay, great hours and from what Fi's told me it all sounds pretty interesting! Having always been interested in science helps as well. Just got to convince them that I'm the guy they need now, that's all...
Anyway, not much else to ramble on about - not right now anyway. More news on random shite when I can be bothered, in the meantime - go and sign up to our website, or become a myspace friend!
Hasta luego amigos