Jan 24, 2006 10:24
More random answers to random questions, this time provided by Mark:
[FANDOM] Not quite as this question means, but does your band have any (non-freinds) groupies? Have you done any ;o)
Sadly, we don't yet have any groupies who're willing to do that, although Shaun gets quite a lot of female attention, the git ;-) lol. But yeh, there's a couple of groupies that turn up to most shows
[FRIENDS] Who is the one friend you understand least than all the others?
Understand least? Probably Em, because frankly I never ever have a clue what she's going to do next (you really should have been there at the last quiz....). Although in some ways I do understand her quite well. Dang, this is a puzzler.
[MUSIC] What band would you have removed from the face of music, and why?
There's so many! In all honesty, I'd have to say the Libertines. In fact, no. Babyshambles are even worse - get rid of them. They are so awful - no concept of tunes or being able to play their instruments, and the less said about Doherty's songwriting and singing skills, the better. Why people treat him as some sort of national icon, I haven't a fucking clue. Frankly, he's a skaghead, and he's going to die/get locked away before long, and it really won't be a loss to the music world when he does.
[GUYS/GIRLS]Name the 5 things you like most about girls in order
Bloody hell, this is a hard one. Needs thinking about; I shall answer the other q's first!
Ok, done that, now have to answer this...
I don't know if I can put them in order, but this'll do for starters:
1. Eyes
2. Sense of humour
3. Outlook on life
4. The fact that, regardless of what they wear or what time of day it is, they always somehow manage to look great
5. I can't think of anything else, at least nothing that won't sound daft anyway!
I'll leave it at that. So it's only 4 answers, and they aren't in order, but mneh ;-)
[EVERYDAY LIFE] If you could not longer play in the band (very cool web-site btw) what do you think you would do as a long term job?
It would have to be something involving music. Mebbe I could try to get a full-time job in the sound industry, or see if some record company would take me on.
[LOVE]Do you currently fancy sumbody? You don't have to say who, I know you won't!
Blargh. I hate this sort of question. There was someone I fancied for quite a while, but gave up because
a. I'm too much of a coward to ask them out
b. It wouldn't work anyway, esp as I'm doing the band thing most nights of the week, so I'd never see them
So I'm pretty much free and single atm - in fact, as I have been for the last, oh I dunno, nearly 5 years. Lol. There's possibly someone else I night ask out at some point, but again, I'm just too busy to spend time with anyone these days!
[LJ]Same as Siobhan's, is there stuff you wouldn't post on your LJ and why?
Yep. Not a lot, I'll admit (as anyone who's read my older posts, esp my drunken rants, will know!), but a few things, such as people I fancy, obviously (last thing I need is you lot mocking me over my latest unobtainable crush! lol), certain secrets that are either mine or I've been asked to keep, and other nonsense like that.
[RANDOM]What your favourite word?
Plinth. Get a woman to say it, and then you'll discover why ;-)
Either that or buenas-ding-dong-diddly-días!