The Forsaken and their minions gather at a party hosted by the decadent and flamboyant Graendal for a night of dancing and plotting amongst the elite servants of the Shadow. Of course, nothing ever quite goes as planned. Ishamael always sees to that.
[ OOM: In which Shelley wanders upstairs and finds someone not exactly unexpected waiting for her. He is ominous, she hits him with a chair and it all goes downhill from there.]
[OOC: Warning for... less objectionable material than usual, but still dark psychological themes, violent themes, mild implied sexual themes, and general creepiness, doom, and woe.]
[OOC: Warnings for: *deep breath* violence, sexual themes, gore, VERY dark psychological themes, non-graphic nudity, and more dark psychological themes, also dark psychological themes. For previous Cantos see backroom post]