(no subject)

Feb 21, 2012 22:49

As he's not leaving, there doesn't seem much else for Jack to do tonight except sit in the bar and have a drink.  It's impossible not to notice the number of people leaving.  Usually there's a steady flow through the door in both directions; tonight it's mostly heading into other worlds.

In truth, Jack hasn't even really considered leaving.  There's precious little outside that door that would miss him, if this is really it, and besides, he can't shake the feeling--the hope?--that maybe there's something he can do, though he knows that he's way out of his depth.

His ebook reader is open in front of him but he hasn't looked at it in a while.  It's malfunctioning, and no matter what button he pushes, the screen simply flickers and displays the same poem that appeared when he turned it on.

Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,

Yes, e-reader, he's noticed.
[ooc: Last EP before the allpocalypse!  Open until the closing of slowtimes. :D]

doc scurlock, will scarlett, jack bauer, raylan givens

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