A great disturbance in the Force, and other reactions.

Feb 09, 2012 15:48

[Millitimed to right after the big booms.]

The last time Obi-Wan felt anything like this, nearly two thousand million voices had just cried out in terror and immediately fallen silent. It's the purely physical component of the blast that actually knocks him out of his seat, but it wouldn't have been able to do but for the psychic clobbering.

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borgel, annabelle newfield, jennifer landers, obi-wan kenobi, the cheat, strong bad, divis mal

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aeons_crackshot February 9 2012, 20:55:49 UTC
Annabelle's reaction to the boom is a spate of cursing that isn't meant to be directed at Michael so much as at the Multiverse in general.

Hey, you'd swear too if you suddenly went incorporeal for an instant!


md_donighal February 10 2012, 02:59:48 UTC
Michael might not be within a baseline's hearing range of the profanity, but he hears it just the same. "I think I'm needed elsewhere. Will you two be all right? I've never left you alone together before."

"I'll try not to fangirl too hard," Jennifer assures him with a sneaky grin.

"Fair enough." He takes off.

Not literally, the ceiling's a bit low for that, but he runs to Annabelle's side at a speed only mildly absurd. "Who or what happened?" he asks without preamble.


aeons_crackshot February 10 2012, 03:06:55 UTC
"I think I was a ghost for about half a second there," Annabelle explains.


md_donighal February 10 2012, 03:14:11 UTC
"...that bodes. I wasn't paying attention to that level of existence. Perhaps I should ask Master Kenobi if he noticed anything besides what hit him." He gets out his T-Phone, boots it up... and is somewhat nonplussed to get nothing. "Well, hell. Shall we go inquire in person?"


aeons_crackshot February 10 2012, 03:21:33 UTC
"Wouldn't hurt," Annabelle allows.

She glances at Michael, her expression tense. "Something's coming, Michael. Something BIG."

"I don't get hunches much, psychic as a brick. But sometimes......" She sighs, "Last time I felt like this was London in '22."

Annabelle wasn't at Atlas Cross, but she WAS in London at the time.


md_donighal February 11 2012, 02:52:47 UTC
Michael nods. "I suspect you'd have felt that coming wherever you were." (At least in any universe where she was going to be part of Æon, since the quantum connection is non-local.) As they head (back) toward Obi-Wan and Jennifer, he says, "I just hope this doesn't mean a repeat of the last chain of events that involved the Bar getting shaken."


aeons_crackshot February 11 2012, 03:02:15 UTC
"That Armageddon Clock thing?" she asks. She's only heard about it second and third hand.


md_donighal February 15 2012, 22:53:14 UTC
"The same. One of the rare instances when dealing out punishment to the perpetrators has not given me any real catharsis. Of course, that could be down to where I had to go to take the fight to them. If Hephaestia were to collaborate with Howard Lovecraft in the design of a world, they might produce a reasonable approximation of Phyrexia. I think I actually cleaned the local landscape up measurably when I poured some of my quantum buildup into it."

By now, they've reached the other two. "Yeah, glad I wasn't here for that," Jennifer allows as. "Didn't at least one ghost decide to get out while the getting was good?"

"Perhaps," says Obi-Wan, "but it certainly wasn't I." He waves to the new arrival. "Hallo, Ms Newfield. You felt it as well, then?"


aeons_crackshot February 15 2012, 23:19:22 UTC
Annabelle makes an 'ewww' face at his description of Phyrexia. "That sounds like nightmare fuel," she adds, in case the facial expression was not enough.

"I did indeed, Master Kenobi," she says with a grimace. "Whatever that was. I haven't had a feeling of 'Something's Coming' this big since Atlas Cross."

That reference is likely to make more sense to Jennifer than Obi-Wan, alas.


last_master February 15 2012, 23:35:54 UTC
Jennifer eep!s softly. Obi-Wan just nods sagely and says "Indeed." Either Michael's told him what happened there, or he just guesses from context that it's someplace important in their world.

"She actually lost solidity for a noticeable length of time," says Michael. "Did you get that too?"

Obi-Wan doesn't look best pleased to hear that. "I believe I may have done, actually. On balance, I'm not certain whether I actually fell out of my chair or through it."

Jennifer looks very frightened and very small.


aeons_crackshot February 15 2012, 23:51:59 UTC
Annabelle puts an arm around Jennifer's shoulder in an attempt at comfort.

"Damn. That's not a good sign." She sighs. "Maybe the Landlord has some kind of emergency plan in place for this sort of thing..."

Not that Annabelle is thrilled about being dependent on the Landlord's forethought.


slidingjennifer February 16 2012, 01:24:06 UTC
Jennifer leans into the arm and reaches up to put a hand on it. "I hope so. Or if not him, then somebody."


aeons_crackshot February 16 2012, 01:27:17 UTC
"Someone will come up with something. We get all sorts around these parts, after all."

She has to believe that's the case. Otherwise.....

"Aside from this latest weirdness, how have all of you been?"


md_donighal February 16 2012, 02:14:58 UTC
"Oh, you know. A little of this, a little of that. Getting ready to drop a hammer thirty times the size of God on the space maggots."

"And I hear you need a space-warper," Jennifer adds.


aeons_crackshot February 16 2012, 02:18:10 UTC
"So am I," Annabelle says with a grin. I don't know that we'll be on the same team when the throw-down happens though, different skill sets."

"They may stick you with the dragon that helped them out once, which could be interesting."


md_donighal February 18 2012, 22:29:37 UTC
"I believe it would be. If it's the one who usually appears as a human woman, I've actually met her; visited her world, in fact."

"What was it like?" Obi-Wan wonders.

"Roughly Bronze Age with magic. She thought I might have the right sort of expertise to investigate something in Atlantis, and I did."


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