A great disturbance in the Force, and other reactions.

Feb 09, 2012 15:48

[Millitimed to right after the big booms.]

The last time Obi-Wan felt anything like this, nearly two thousand million voices had just cried out in terror and immediately fallen silent. It's the purely physical component of the blast that actually knocks him out of his seat, but it wouldn't have been able to do but for the psychic clobbering.

Dr Donighal is at his side in about half of no time, helping him up and making sure he's all right. "I will be," Obi-Wan assures him, because that much by itself is true. He'll be all right, for a while anyway. But he has a feeling it won't last.

Then Michael's friend Jennifer arrives, saying she felt somebody squeeze space itself a little too hard. She, too, is concerned about Obi-Wan; he does his best to reassure her, and it seems to be enough.

* * *

On the other side of the bar, the wrestleman has just one question for his little buddy, a question to which he does not get an answer: "What the piping hot glazed raised CRAP?!"

[One pup, five muns One mun, five pups; please to specify whom you want.]

borgel, annabelle newfield, jennifer landers, obi-wan kenobi, the cheat, strong bad, divis mal

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