Multipup Gift Pickup!

Dec 17, 2011 11:55

Ray has been given a gift package of three peppermint soaps, and a card bearing a picture of Juliet, Shawn and Gus in Christmas regalia.

Rae has been given a collection of unusually shaped cookie cutters (there's one shaped like a quark!), and the note attached to the brightly-wrapped package reads 'To help you with your baking!'

Shawn has been given a rather rare copy of Ms. Pacman for the Sega Genesis and a huge bag of pinapple-rum candies.

Gus gets a bag of sea-salt caramels and an IOU: One Lunch Date voucher.

Urquhart gets a free five-hour guest pass to the Burning Bush in Reno, Nevada (Reno's most creative brothel!) and bag of all natural dog biscuits for Franz, with a little note telling him that he and Moist can split the gift. IF they're so inclined.

Enzo gets a pen drive that can be properly transmogrified into something useful in his world, loaded with the latest album by his favorite band, on bar's recommendation (Yes, Clementine swiped that from the evidence locker back at work. No, Enzo doesn't want to know what was on it before she erased it and re-filled it.)

Dinah gets a Bon Jovi CD. Onto which Clementine has burned a couple of Steely Dan songs, because Clem's a troll.

Moist gets a mock-silk scarf...he might notice that it's not quite up to snuff quality-wise if he really studies it - and chips that may be cashed in at the Golden Nugget in Reno.

Elrond Gets a very large geode, filled with large, pale blue crystals that Clem's spiritualist friend informed her restore mental and spiritual balance. They're supposedly genuine aquamarine.

The Fledging: Receives several large swaths of sheer, delicate-looking black fabric, perfect for a dance of the veils, or to be sewn together into an elaborate dress.

Guppy: Gets a gift certificate to the nearest moderately-priced chain restaurant convenient to his house (Thanks to Bar) and IOU offering to babysit for he and his wife whenever they want to use it (She may dislike children, but she owes him big time)

Joan of Arc: Gets a copy of Bowie's "The Man Who Fell To Earth". Never let it be said that Clementine doesn't appreciate her rock music.

Gene Hunt: One voucher for a drink of his choosing - usable only in Milliways, of course, in token for his having gotten her sloshed when she really, really needed it.

Ben Grimm: One bottomless nacho platter, to be shared, next time they're in the bar together.

Janet A huge box of the best chocolate Clementine could find ("The next time you see Hank", the accompanying note reads, "hit him with this.")

Ed and Ein Ed gets a volume of stories about another little self-reliant girl, Pippi Longstocking. Ein gets a bag of dog bones similar to the sort Clem got for Franz.

The Devil Gets a miniature portrait of Clementine, painted on black velvet - she looks like a gladiator in this one, and is brandishing a huge sword.

Michael Gets a six pack of Blueberry yogurt. She asked Sam for advice and since they're moving towards being more deeply acquainted she figured this would be the best gift.

Sam Gets a large box. When he opens it, there are several Poloroid shots, each featuring Clementine in more and more revealing outfits, finally ending up topless, in all shots wearing a mask. The final one features her in nothing but long black gloves and high heels, and is inscribed: "I won't be wearing the mask next time you see me. Xoxoxox, Clem."

Brisco has been given one large package of trail-friendly food scared up by Bar; just intimate enough to say 'I care about you' without putting extra pressure on their relationship.

Kate gets a case of bullets (because Dixie knows there's no such thing as having 'enough' bullets) and a red leather bookmark, carefully embossed with several quotes from George Sand.

Will Gets a brand-new mouth harp and a sheet of paper that will help him learn how to play it, recommended to Dixie by Bar.

William gets a volume of Mark Twain's latest novel, fresh off the presses from Dixie's side of the door, which she has lovingly enscribed to him.

[OOC: Open for reactions and return-notes; if you wanna have a face-to-face thread with one of the gifters, leave a note at the bar; on their (and my) return in January.]

the fledgling, juliet o'hara, william evans, david stutler, clementine johnson, kate barlow, moist von lipwig, dixie cousins, the crocodiles, the devil (bedazzled)

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