
Sep 28, 2011 23:35

It's been a long, long time since Tavi was in the Bar. As it is, his armor's covered in dust as he walks in, fully expecting his command building--and looks around with some surprise.

A slow smile spreads over his face, and then he all but bounds upstairs to go change, because crows he could do with a bath, meal, and an hour of not working on ( Read more... )

legolas, silas, enzo matrix, tavi

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calledgreenleaf September 29 2011, 05:41:29 UTC
Legolas is lying along a rafter, listening to the chatter of the Bar, as he pops nuts into his mouth. (He doesn't miss one, though he has to stretch a bit to be certain of it.) This childhood task completed, as a reward for having to be boring today, he glances to the left, sees nothing underneath his feet, and drops neatly to the floor. Right next to Tavi's chair.

He makes an er face, before tilting his head to Tavi politely, bowl still in his hand.


tavar_of_alera September 29 2011, 05:44:14 UTC
Tavi starts slightly--long practice of keeping his men from noticing when he's startled plays in rather handily--and after a moment he merely arches an amused eyebrow.

Usually when that happens to him in here, Kitai is hovering somewhere near the ceiling.

That tilted eyebrow glances upwards, very briefly, to the rafter and then is joined by the other in an equally amused, but questioning look. "Enjoying the view?"


calledgreenleaf September 29 2011, 05:47:32 UTC
"Not much of one," Legolas admits, handily not mentioning that if he'd been paying more attention he wouldn't've landed so close (though the landing was smooth). "Heads vary little from place to place, even at the end of things."

He glances to Tavi, sharing his amusement, "I'm going to go get some wine. Should you wish I fetch a second glass?"


tavar_of_alera September 29 2011, 05:49:54 UTC
Tavi masterfully manages not to snort out loud at that omitted detail. Indeed.

"I don't often see heads from the air, so I'll take your word for it."

With a smile, Tavi shakes his head and raises his flagon of ale, still over half-full. "I'm supplied for now with the requisite alcohol," he says cheerfully enough. That, and he hasn't quite developed a taste for wine yet (that'll come after far too many state dinners).


calledgreenleaf September 29 2011, 06:24:49 UTC
Legolas tilts him an amused nod, and turns to go to the Bar. He returns, with a different bowl (it is shallower, and its sides more gradually curved, but still of a size to be easily held within an Elf's hand), a short time after.

He glances to the rafters again, glances to Tavi's table (a perfect place to find his way up), and gives an amused sigh. "I think politeness must lead me to ask to share your table," he says, "lest I spill this wine in climbing above your head."


tavar_of_alera September 29 2011, 07:29:20 UTC
Tavi actually does laugh, at that, green eyes glittering sardonically. He also eyes the bowl--interesting, he's never seen wine served in that manner before.

He waves his hand welcomingly at one of the open chairs and actually rights his own--wouldn't do to have his feet up in someone else's place at the table--and says dryly, "I don't know--it could be an entertaining feat to observe."

The more formal speech is contagious.


calledgreenleaf September 29 2011, 07:48:50 UTC
"Ah, you doubt my capacity?" Legolas laughs, bell-like, eyes brightening as he sits. "'Tis a small thing to challenge me to, good sir; especially that you already know I can make the trip."


tavar_of_alera October 3 2011, 03:41:32 UTC
"But not," Tavi reminds him with raised eyebrow, "with a bowl of wine in-hand."

That is what he was referring to as being entertaining.


calledgreenleaf October 3 2011, 04:16:40 UTC
Legolas laughs. "Perhaps once I've eaten," he says, and gestures with the bowl (long-fingered hand resting under it to support). "'Tis Dorwinion, and too fare a drink to be wasted by a fool, no matter his pride."

That's spoke with a sort of disappointed good humor: he would rise to the taunt, but he knows his own foolishness full well.


tavar_of_alera October 4 2011, 23:00:06 UTC
Tavi is, to some degree, almost reminded of Max if Max had any sense of decorum and poised behavior.

...Yeah, that's a joke. But the playfulness is the same. "That good, is it? I may have forgotten what a good drink tastes like," he admits wryly. "Battlefront fare doesn't much focus on quality of taste."

It has to be healthy and highly sustaining; tasty? Not something they worry about.


calledgreenleaf October 15 2011, 07:04:48 UTC
Legolas pulls a face. "Perchance the only benefit I can think, beyond safe and assured sleep, of being assigned clerkhood is access to a larder," he admits.

"Be your land at war?"


tavar_of_alera October 15 2011, 23:00:24 UTC
"I've never really had that experience--although I somehow doubt I would have had that particular bonus." Not in Gaius' employ.

(On the other hand, Gaius always made sure he was well fed, got some form of rest, was well clothed--even during the egregious growth spurt of putting on nearly a foot and a half--received the best education possible, and had a ridiculously good job opportunity.)

His expression goes from faintly wry to a little more pained, though mostly even. "Unfortunately."


calledgreenleaf November 3 2011, 06:24:54 UTC
Legolas glances at him sideways, slightly embarrassed. "I may have not been entirely honest," he admits, "for the king grants the larder be freely open, if we are not over-zealous, only to scouts and hunters, for we are those who contribute to it but rarely enjoy its contents. I am a clerk but for a few short years, to teach me...ah, restraint from foolishness."

He shrugs, half sheepish, and laughs. "I am not sure it shall work so well as my lord hopes."

He tilts his head slightly. "I regret to hear it," he says simply, and honestly. He will not press into painful matters of a kingdom of another world, though he does not mind hearing of them.


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