First EP

May 15, 2011 11:23

The door opens to a plume of smoke, admitting one average bloke in a cheap suit sporting a rather impressive set of sideboards. He's been here before -- there was that fight a while back, and the nice pair of tits a week after that -- but he's still not sure what this is all about ( Read more... )

ray carling, gene hunt, william evans, elrond, guppy sandhu

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starrydome May 15 2011, 17:10:12 UTC
The outburst gets a curious look from a passer-by. Tall, long-haired, and dressed in a silk robe, he might remind him that he is indeed in s strange place.

(occ: Elrond is cool with most things so have at it :) - also, he might be able to feel that something is up with him, if it's okay with you)


flickedmethevs May 15 2011, 17:55:35 UTC
There's more where that came from. The news deserves celebrating! He starts looking around for someone to have a drink with him, hunting for the telltale red and whites. He sees the tall ponce in the nightie first, and it's plain to see the disapproval on his face.


"All right?"

[ OoC: EEEE! Totally cool with me, so long as it's kept at a handwavey level. :D ]


starrydome May 15 2011, 18:27:53 UTC
"It sounds like it. From your jubilant outcry."
It's not that he doesn't catch the tone - it's not exactly subtle - he is merely ignoring it and so his demeanor stays civil and pleasant. Well-modulated. British, only not at all, which makes him infuriatingly hard to place.

"Bar, a mug of mulled wine, please." When the mug appears, he reaches for it, and as his sleeve falls back it reveals a worn archer's armguard. To the uninitiated, it may look somewhat like an adventurous, erotic accessory.


flickedmethevs May 15 2011, 19:00:52 UTC

Ray keeps a good three feet of personal space between them.

"Who do you think you're talking to, mate?"

The mug appears, much the same way the newspaper had not too long ago. Ray's not sure what he should be more horrified about: that, or the fruity bracer on the arm that reaches for it.


starrydome May 15 2011, 19:04:25 UTC
Judging by the look on his face -

"You have not been here before, have you?" Elrond asks, doing his best to keep his voice as neutral as possible. The Man seems somewhat - edgy. He is not quite sure why, but some Men are adverse to other races. And perhaps, this being Milliways, he has never seen an elf before.


flickedmethevs May 15 2011, 21:42:45 UTC
"Course I 'ave. But I was a bit busy at th' time not talking to inanimate objects."

He'd gloat about chatting up a rather tidy bird last he was in, were it better circumstances. As it stands, he's a little uncomfortable. He doesn't like looking like a div, and this fairy bloke clearly knows something he doesn't.


starrydome May 16 2011, 03:54:30 UTC
There's a saying regarding the futility of telling people things they do not want to hear.

"There is a clever system at work here. You give Bar your order and it appears, seemingly without any sort of - animate interference," he says.

Seemingly and actually, but seemingly might be easier to understand.


flickedmethevs May 18 2011, 22:39:36 UTC

Ray is judging you, Nancy.

"You're suggestin' I talk t' this piece of wood, then?"


starrydome May 19 2011, 04:21:15 UTC
This is novel. It is not that Elrond has never been looked at this before; it's just been a while. Ages. Most are loathe to disrespect an elf lord, even elf lords not referred to as such.

He decides, that it amuses him. But his small smile when he points to the wait rat that just now is scuttling up to fetch something or other, might just have the barest hint of the sardonic.

"Or you may address one of the staff."


flickedmethevs May 26 2011, 04:33:13 UTC
There are certain things Manly Men do not do, such as climb stools at the sight of bullet-riddled, overgrown, disgusting rodents. So Ray very calmly dismounts.

"Bloody hell! Is tha' a rat, or a midget in a parka?"

Yeeeeah. He's not getting within three feet of that thing, either.

[ OoC: So sorry for the slowtime - you okay with picking back up? ]


starrydome May 26 2011, 05:15:03 UTC
"It is a rat. They are very efficient. Very diligent."

He looks at the Man.

"They're quite harmless." Smugly.

(ooc: No problem. Slowtime is love - as is picking things up :))


flickedmethevs May 26 2011, 20:36:01 UTC
Ray ... is actually kind of all right with the idea. In theory. If he wanted to go to some girly bar with beer mats and clean floors, he would. But the untidier a place is, the more manly it becomes, right? So, rats on the books = OK. In theory.

"Oi! Watch how you're grinnin' at me, mate, or I'll knock it clean off your bonce!"

Smarmy bastard. Ray isn't scared of anything! He frowns hard at the wait rat, jutting his chin.

"Yeah, all right. Steak pie and chips, then."


starrydome May 27 2011, 04:52:52 UTC
"Violence is frowned upon here." Elrond is back to calm and neutral.

That will likely disappoint him. He seems the type for a brawl.

"It may be allowed outside. I am actually not sure about that."

Dispite what one might believe, he does not sound wholly adverse to the idea. Not as adverse as the silk and hair might suggest to Ray.


flickedmethevs May 29 2011, 21:20:26 UTC
Once the rat is off, Ray can return his focus to -- blimey, has he gotten girlier in the last half-minute?

"You might wan' t' take tha' up with management, mate," he says around a plume of smoke. "Firs' time I came in this whole pub 'ad kicked off. Throwin' chairs an' all."

He'd like to see this fellow in a real fight. Of course, he has no idea who he really is yet.


starrydome May 30 2011, 04:42:52 UTC
"I heard about that," Elrond says, slowly. "I wonder what the repercussions ended up being."

He tucks a stray lock behind one ear.

"I have been told the security in place here is quite formidable.As I expect it has to be."

He shrugs.

"I have not been in a brawl since before the preparations leading up to the march to Eregion. And never have I been as severely scolded by a superior officer as I was then."

The words he use is not really 'officer' but it's close enough for that translation to give meaning.


flickedmethevs May 30 2011, 05:12:45 UTC
We're sorry, anything Elrond says after he tucks a lock of poncy hair behind his ear will need to be repeated. Ray groans.

"My DCI ended up in the nick overnight. Incitement t' riot. No big deal."

Ray's doled out worse.


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