First EP

May 15, 2011 11:23

The door opens to a plume of smoke, admitting one average bloke in a cheap suit sporting a rather impressive set of sideboards. He's been here before -- there was that fight a while back, and the nice pair of tits a week after that -- but he's still not sure what this is all about ( Read more... )

ray carling, gene hunt, william evans, elrond, guppy sandhu

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Comments 70

themanclion May 15 2011, 15:38:48 UTC
About five minutes after he comes in, he's followed by another man from 1973, also sporting impressive sideburns and a cheap suit.


A double Scotch appears as he approaches the bar, along with a copy of a 2011 Daily Mail of his own.


He laughs too, and shows it to Ray with a grin.

'Stick that in your pipe an' smoke it, pal.'


flickedmethevs May 15 2011, 15:55:50 UTC
Some of the vigor leaves Ray's smile when Gene appears at his side. He nods a somber 'Guv' in greeting. It's entirely possible he hasn't quite forgotten their sprint through the city after the last match back home. Or what happened after the Guv finally caught up with him.

His face sours at the second daily.

"Made history, tha'," he says, jabbing a forefinger at the newspaper in his possession. "Nineteen titles."

He arches his eyebrows, braving a little pride.


themanclion May 15 2011, 16:00:37 UTC
Gene's face turns a little sour.

'Not a chance.'

He drops his paper and grabs Ray's off him.




flickedmethevs May 15 2011, 16:12:32 UTC
"What's tha', then?"

Ray's picked up the Guv's discarded paper, and is pointing at one line in particular.

Manager Roberto Mancini imposed an alcohol ban on his players ahead of Tuesday night's Premier League game against, of all teams, Stoke.

"City's got a guinea crackin' down on liquid courage!"

That's plain wrong, no matter which way you cut it.


not_his_pa May 15 2011, 16:35:12 UTC
William looks up from his coffee when the man yells out, "What happened?"


flickedmethevs May 15 2011, 16:57:52 UTC
The boy gets a befuddled once-over. Either he's off his trolley, or he's just come from the cinema; either way, that's quite a crack in his coconut he's got.

"History, lad."

He blows smoke from the corner of his mouth, and gathers up the daily to show the boy. "United takes the title. Naturally."


not_his_pa May 15 2011, 17:04:24 UTC
"Which title, sir?"

At least William doesn't look like he's from the 1970s, they're drab and suit his time and his accent is quite American.


flickedmethevs May 15 2011, 17:39:53 UTC
"You're jokin'."

Bloody yanks.

"The league title, mate. We're champions of England!"

His ciggy pauses halfway to his lips, just so they're clear on this.



starrydome May 15 2011, 17:10:12 UTC
The outburst gets a curious look from a passer-by. Tall, long-haired, and dressed in a silk robe, he might remind him that he is indeed in s strange place.

(occ: Elrond is cool with most things so have at it :) - also, he might be able to feel that something is up with him, if it's okay with you)


flickedmethevs May 15 2011, 17:55:35 UTC
There's more where that came from. The news deserves celebrating! He starts looking around for someone to have a drink with him, hunting for the telltale red and whites. He sees the tall ponce in the nightie first, and it's plain to see the disapproval on his face.


"All right?"

[ OoC: EEEE! Totally cool with me, so long as it's kept at a handwavey level. :D ]


starrydome May 15 2011, 18:27:53 UTC
"It sounds like it. From your jubilant outcry."
It's not that he doesn't catch the tone - it's not exactly subtle - he is merely ignoring it and so his demeanor stays civil and pleasant. Well-modulated. British, only not at all, which makes him infuriatingly hard to place.

"Bar, a mug of mulled wine, please." When the mug appears, he reaches for it, and as his sleeve falls back it reveals a worn archer's armguard. To the uninitiated, it may look somewhat like an adventurous, erotic accessory.


flickedmethevs May 15 2011, 19:00:52 UTC

Ray keeps a good three feet of personal space between them.

"Who do you think you're talking to, mate?"

The mug appears, much the same way the newspaper had not too long ago. Ray's not sure what he should be more horrified about: that, or the fruity bracer on the arm that reaches for it.


guppy_sandhu May 15 2011, 21:41:09 UTC
Guppy comes over to the bar, with his young son. The little boy climbs up on the barstool next to Ray, and while his father is ordering, glances at Ray's newspaper.



"That man has the evil newspaper with the uny-corn on."

Guppy goes red and leans towards his son.

"Fry, don't say that to someone reading it, it's rude."


flickedmethevs May 15 2011, 22:33:59 UTC
Ray frowns at the child.

"All right, lad? There's nothin' evil abou' it."

He presents one of the colorful photos for inspection.

"That's Man United."


guppy_sandhu May 15 2011, 22:55:20 UTC
"Mummy says they don't like mig-rats. Or gay people." Fry says, thinking. "Or... or sannyty."

Not actually sure what any of those are, he looks at the paper. Ew, red shirts.

"Why is he called Man?"

"No, Man isn't the name of that man, Manchester United is a football team." Guppy explains.


flickedmethevs May 15 2011, 23:48:47 UTC
"Too right. Mommy's a smart bird."

Save for that last bit, which sounds a tad suspect anyway.

Glancing at Guppy, he nods once at the boy.

"He's a bit twitchy."

You might want to look into that, mate.


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