(no subject)

Oct 21, 2010 17:13

Charlotte Charles, age nine (and very much alive), has never been to Milliways.

Until right about now -

- when the door crashes open to make way for a terrifying dinosaur scattering cars and buildings in every direction under her feet, a giant behemoth that would make any right-minded patron quake in their very seats!

Or perhaps not. The dinosaur's 'roar' dies off as she lowers her arms, tilting her head in obvious confusion.

"Well, this isn't downtown Tokyo," she says matter-of-factly, picking up a toy car and a bent cardboard skyscraper from their places on the floor.

It isn't even Coeur d'Coeurs, from the looks of things - and that, young Chuck thinks as she casts a tentative glance back in the direction she's come from, is very unsettling indeed.

ned the piemaker, charlotte "chuck" charles

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