Multipup Post!

Sep 30, 2010 13:06

A young redhead in dark blue plaid pajamas walks into the bar.

"Oh, what, now this place is in my bathroomEiji thinks for a moment, then disappears back through his door before reentering mere moments later ( Read more... )

edward tivrusky, data, rosalie hale, lore, ein

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shoeless_ed September 30 2010, 11:08:06 UTC
"It's a kitty!"

A skinny red-headed child ambles up to Data's booth, followed by a Welsh corgi. The corgi, fortunately, doesn't start harassing the cat: he shows mild interest but otherwise keeps a respectful distance.

The child, however, climbs up on the tabletop and plops down, grinning at Spot. "Hiiiiiii kitty!"


ol_yellow_eyes October 1 2010, 16:10:31 UTC
Data blinks in response to the child's strange behavior, but doesn't say anything about it. He does not reply at all, at first, since his cat is the one being addressed.

Spot turns away from his dish of food long enough to sniff at the person's arm curiously. But then he seems to lose interest, and goes back to eating.

"That is not very nice, Spot," Data admonishes.


shoeless_ed October 1 2010, 16:22:02 UTC
"He is a kitty," Ed informs Data sagely. "If there is food, he will only pay attention to eating." She looks at the corgi who came along with her. "Doggies are like that too."

"Arf!" says the corgi.

Ed returns her attention to Data. "Why is the kitty Spot? He's all stripey."


ol_yellow_eyes October 2 2010, 03:23:55 UTC
Data nods. "It has been brought to my attention that his name is odd. When I chose it, I was simply trying to use a name that is common for humans' pets."


shoeless_ed October 2 2010, 04:02:47 UTC
"But for pets with spots," Ed says.


"Dogs with spots," Ed amends. Of course, this is a girl who calls herself Edward and makes up nicknames for everyone else, so any advice she provides on naming conventions should be taken with a huge grain of salt.


ol_yellow_eyes October 7 2010, 03:41:18 UTC
Data thinks about this for a moment.

"Why would this particular name be reserved for canines?" he asks, genuinely curious if there is some reason.


shoeless_ed October 7 2010, 10:18:54 UTC
Ed scratches her head. "Ed doesn't know." She looks at the corgi. "Does Ein know?"

The corgi looks confused and whimpers.

"Ein doesn't know either," Ed translates to Data.


ol_yellow_eyes October 13 2010, 12:42:14 UTC
Data considers this information for a moment, then shrugs slightly.

Something occurs to him, and he looks up again. "I apologize. I have not properly introduced myself. My name is Lieutenant Commander Data." He offers a hand.


shoeless_ed October 13 2010, 15:32:35 UTC
Ed shakes Data's hand enthusiastically. "Ed is Edward Wong Hau Pepleu Tivrusky IV!" she announces. "But you can call her Ed."

"Woof!" says the Corgi.

"Oh! Ein is Ein," Ed adds, gesturing at her canine companion. "Short for Einstein!"

Ein pants and wags his tail, giving off a strong "nice doggie" vibe. Data smells strange, but not bad, and Ein's been in Milliways so long that by now he's quite accustomed to odd-smelling people.


ol_yellow_eyes October 14 2010, 01:43:05 UTC
"It is nice to meet you, Ed," Data says with a nod, then turns to address the dog. "And you as well, Ein."

Spot has finished eating, and is now grooming himself. He doesn't seem particularly interested in the conversation, or anyone involved, at the moment.


shoeless_ed October 14 2010, 02:21:49 UTC
Ed shifts into a more comfortable sitting position on the table. The seat across from Data would surely be more comfortable than the tabletop in any sitting posture, but this doesn't seem to occur to Ed.

"Why are you Data?" she asks. "That means information! Data disc, database, data integrity!"

(Yes, Ed is a very nonsensical person.)


ol_yellow_eyes October 14 2010, 04:18:58 UTC
"It is simply what my creator decided to call me," Data explains. "I suppose he thought it was an appropriate name for an android."

If he thinks it is strange that Ed is not taking advantage of the more comfortable seating across from him, he does not show any sign of it.


shoeless_ed October 14 2010, 11:17:52 UTC
Ed's eyes widen. "Wow! You're an android? A real AI?" She obviously finds this absolutely fascinating.

Ein makes a sort of chuff noise. That explains why Data smells funny.


ol_yellow_eyes October 16 2010, 02:07:53 UTC
"That is correct," Data tells her, simply. "Do you have such things in your world?"


shoeless_ed October 16 2010, 02:10:49 UTC
"Ed once met an AI named MPU in an old defense satellite," Ed says. "But MPU was a satellite. He was alone for a long time. It was sad. But Ed downloaded him so he could get on the 'Net and make lots of friends!"

Which may not have been the best choice, in terms of damage control. But to Ed, damage control is for other people.


ol_yellow_eyes October 16 2010, 02:18:20 UTC
"Was he able to make friends?" Data asks, curious.


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