Multipup Post!

Sep 30, 2010 13:06

A young redhead in dark blue plaid pajamas walks into the bar.

"Oh, what, now this place is in my bathroom??"

Eiji thinks for a moment, then disappears back through his door before reentering mere moments later.

He'll just be sitting here on the couch, playing video games on his Nintendo DS. If he starts looking sleepy, someone might want to tell him he needs to go to bed.

Lore is in and out of the bar today. Every time he comes in, he sits at one of the corner tables, his eyes darting around and taking in his surroundings with something like agitation. He seems restless, and often disappears upstairs for hours at a time. But one might easily catch him while he is just sitting there.

Careful, though… He seems to be in a slightly bad mood.

…Though he might pretend he wasn't if you thought he was someone else.

Data will be in one the booths for an hour or so, once again attending to the needs of his fickle feline friend. Spot seems to be getting spoiled with the food that Bar provides him.

As always, Data is very botherable. Though he seems to be thinking about something, and might not notice you right away.

Rosalie slipped outside in the late afternoon when she thought no one was looking. It appears to be a bit sunny out, after all.

She had no idea there was a beach in Milliways.

She'll be there at sunset. She's taken off her sweater and is currently in a tank top, so hopefully no one will show up and notice that there's something odd about her… Namely, that she sparkles.

If someone did show up, though, she's not paying attention.

Tiny!tag: Kikumaru Eiji

[OOC: Subject to slowtime, but open to anyone, 'til it scrolls! Tag whoever you like, just let me know who. ^^ Oh, also, this may be the last chance to catch Data or Lore before they discover each other… maybe. I haven't decided yet. Feel free to mention to Data that someone who looks like him has been acting weird.]

edward tivrusky, data, rosalie hale, lore, ein

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