
Aug 15, 2010 20:16

[pre-Milliways: Check BatteryThe front door bursts open, admitting a blast of cold air, a swirl of dry snow, and a combat droid ( Read more... )

edward tivrusky, d0g, oom, ellen park, ein

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aaaaaaaagh_sky August 16 2010, 03:25:07 UTC
Thanks to Milliways time Ellen is here, either after having hit Vault-Tec Headquarters or just a little before. It's hard to say. It probably doesn't matter, though; we can't imagine D0G would care much.

"Oh my goodness. D0G?" she says, hopping down from her stool. "Are you all right? What happened to you?"


g00d_d0ggie August 16 2010, 03:34:34 UTC
Mwooooo... says D0G mournfully, shaking his head and sagging a little on the spot. He may not be able to properly answer the second question, but he is definitely not all right.


aaaaaaaagh_sky August 16 2010, 03:35:44 UTC
"Oh dear." Ellen winces and starts walking around the big robot. "Well... is there anything I can do to help? You're very different from the robots I grew up with, but some of your systems are similar to Wadsworth's, and I've fixed him a few times. I can at least try, if Bar will give me the parts..."


g00d_d0ggie August 16 2010, 03:45:25 UTC
D0G shakes his head again. He doesn't like being worked on by anyone who's not Alyx.


aaaaaaaagh_sky August 16 2010, 03:46:38 UTC
"Okay," Ellen says. "That's fair. Can I at least get you anything? ... I don't know, supplies or something?"


g00d_d0ggie August 16 2010, 03:51:52 UTC
stomp STOMP STOMP stomp, STOMP STOMP STOMP, stomp STOMP STOMP, stomp, stomp STOMP stomp.

( "POWER" )


aaaaaaaagh_sky August 16 2010, 03:54:11 UTC
Ellen thinks about this for a minute. Then she nods. "Can I see your current auxiliary power receptacles, please?" she says. "I know you have solar recharge capabilities, but if there's somewhere else you can plug something in, I have several possible options."

She doesn't have a fission battery on hand, but she's almost certain that a microfusion cell or two wired in the right array will suit the robot's needs. (Even if it does make Alyx start yelling about how fusion does not work that way when she sees it being done without massive computing power to control it.)


g00d_d0ggie August 16 2010, 04:04:53 UTC
D0G points toward his undercarriage. The power plug is there, a little lower down than the hatch that covers his data ports.

(Skitch's bucket isn't too much in the way, is it?)


aaaaaaaagh_sky August 16 2010, 04:05:58 UTC
Ellen peers at the plug and nods. "I can wire something that should fit into that," she says. "You can decide for yourself if it looks... like... oh goodness. What happened here?"

She's looking at Skitch's bucket and realizing what she's seeing.


g00d_d0ggie August 16 2010, 04:07:49 UTC
The little robot inside looks almost as battered and broken as D0G, and is not showing any signs of activity.

D0G makes a high, mournful noise.


aaaaaaaagh_sky August 16 2010, 04:09:55 UTC
"Oh. Oh dear." Ellen shakes her head. "Oh, this is- poor 'bot, that must have hurt... well, don't worry, D0G. I can get you enough power to get you to someone who can fix him. He's much too complicated for me, but I can at least do that."

She'll miss the MF cells, she knows that, but this is someone else's robot; besides, as long as she can find a seller, she has enough caps to make up for the loss.


g00d_d0ggie August 16 2010, 04:13:00 UTC
Bwooo, says D0G gratefully.


aaaaaaaagh_sky August 16 2010, 04:16:20 UTC
"This is going to take me a little bit," Ellen says, "but I'll wire it up right here. Let me go get the cells and I'll get started, okay?"

She heads upstairs and returns with six microfusion cells and a soldering iron, and settles down at a nearby table to start working. It isn't as if she hasn't had to wire things into unusual arrays before.


g00d_d0ggie August 16 2010, 04:17:12 UTC
D0G shuffles over to sit down next to the table and peers over Ellen's shoulder, watching her work.


aaaaaaaagh_sky August 16 2010, 04:27:37 UTC
"I use these at home to power my plasma rifle," Ellen says as she works. "They're not that common in the Wasteland, but they're very useful, I've found. These here are enough to power seventy-two plasma shots, each capable of reducing a human sized target to a pile of goo. That should be plenty to keep you moving for a good long while." She pauses as she reaches for her solder. "Or do you think you'll need more? I can spare a few more if that's the case."


g00d_d0ggie August 16 2010, 04:42:54 UTC
D0G considers this for a long moment, then shakes his head. That should be plenty to get him to Rowlesburg, assuming he doesn't have to take any massive detours.


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