
May 27, 2010 15:20

It's some time later, after his talk with Tyler,  that the strange magic window that's found everyone else finds Zak.

< Today, Milliways marks the Cybertronian holiday of Cubefall, the anniversary of the day upon which the Allspark first landed on the rocky world that would become Cybertron. Would you like to sample some possible reconfigurations ( Read more... )

zevran arainai

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for_ferelden May 28 2010, 21:43:01 UTC
The large build and obvious health of the creature become even more noticeable as the griffin gets closer. The grin is, admittedly, a bit surprising; Talaerion has never noticed birds to have a particular ability or interest for making that expression.

It's also a bit embarrassing to have been caught staring, and he's not sure why. But he can't help it. All of the stories and legends that he's heard from Alistair and Leliana, and all of the history of the order that Duncan had told him on the way to Ostagar, and now he finally gets to see what the famed Warden mounts of old might have looked like.

It's no wonder the darkspawn never stood a chance against them, between their skills in combat, the taint, and enormous cat-birds. This one looks as if could probably pick him up with its front feet, if it wanted to. He'd never heard many of the stories as an Apprentice in the Circle, hadn't really known anything about the Wardens until he had met Duncan, been recruited, and worn down the long miles to Ostagar with a complete history of the Wardens. He knows that he's in for a hard life of difficult and thankless service, unrewarded, but there is still something romantic about the entire idea. It may not be the life that he would have chosen if left to his own devices, but he's bound to it now, and is not unhappy or dissatisfied.

"Um... hello," he says after a moment, offering a sheepish smile. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stare." Talaerion knows better than to make any assumptions about intelligence or sentience here.


whipped_weapon May 28 2010, 23:33:57 UTC
Zaknafein tilts his head slightly in that strange way owls have, contemplating the mage as he thinks over ways to deal with this situation.

First option, he could to the Look again. He likes doing the Look. It gets him pettings.

Second option, he could just introduce himself straight out. The mage is obviously suffering from what Zak secretly considers 'cuteness overload' already. Perhaps the look will not be necessary?

Even if he is not, specifically cute. He's still... very furry. And fluffy.
It seems to work in some odd, undefinable way.

Hm... Decisions, decisions... The black griffin goes for option 2.

"Greetings, Talaerion." The griffin grins, tail waving slightly. It's probably rather shocking to have the drow's voice emerging from that beak.


for_ferelden May 28 2010, 23:43:34 UTC
"Maker's Balls!"

Talaerion actually starts backward. He recognizes that voice, but the last time he heard it, it had been coming out of six feet of elf, NOT a beak. It's related to Cubefall, it has to be, and it's emphasizing one of his main problems with the holiday: he can't recognize anyone.

He stares for a moment, blue eyes wide with shock, before hesitantly asking, "Zaknafein? Is this for Cubefall, or did something... happen?"

The other elf had, after all, seemed unable to shake his fear that the mage was going to turn him into something small and squishy, never mind that Talaerion can't actually do that.


whipped_weapon May 28 2010, 23:50:48 UTC
An amused look is Zak's response to that incredibly funny reaction, as the griffin seated itself on its haunches. ""Oh, definitely Cubefall. This shape won't last longer than the third day, but it seems to get me a lot of petting.."

The griffin grins. Clearly he likes being petted, if the grin and the tail-waving are any indication...

"And the flying is awesome."


for_ferelden May 28 2010, 23:58:05 UTC
"Flying. You mean you can really fly? You're actually... you know, functional, in that regard?"

This seems a lot more interesting to him then the fact that Zak can still talk. He also reaches out and begins to carefully pet the griffin's head; the caution is because he wants to make sure that Zak isn't going to instinctively try to bite his hand off because of mage cooties, or something of that nature.


whipped_weapon May 29 2010, 00:03:02 UTC
The griffin is utterly, utterly amused. He butts the palm of Talaerion's hand with the top of his very feathery (soft and fluffy!) head when it seems the other male might stop the petting and a strange "Rrrrr." sound escapes his beak as the golden eyes close in bliss.

"Pettings feel nice." he manages to mumble between 'rrr..''s

"...and yes, I can fly. I can lift someone on my back too, as I found out a few hours ago."

"..rrrr. Flying is most enjoyable."


for_ferelden May 29 2010, 00:11:08 UTC
The head-butting is reassuring, and Talaerion relaxes as he begins to pet and scratch more purposefully. He's had plenty of practice with Wendal, too, so he's not without a certain finesse.

"You can?" He pauses. "Um... You don't think that I could, maybe, you know..."

He's hesitant to ask, first because it might seem like an imposition, and second, because he knows that Zak was decidedly uncomfortable about the fact that Talaerion is a mage, the last time they shared each other's company.


whipped_weapon May 29 2010, 00:23:19 UTC
"Rrrr?" There is a questioning tone in the strange purring the griffin is making, before Zaknafein opens one eye and fixes that golden gaze on him. "You want a griffin-back ride?"

The ear-tufts twitch and perk up, the tail waves amiably. "As long as you're not going to try to harm me with your magic, that sounds fine to me. At least you're not wearing armored robes, and you're lighter than the other guy who wanted a ride... When do you want to ride?"

There is something very empowering about this form.. It has more natural, seemingly inherent confidence than he expects. Its instincts seem to tell him that he is a great and mighty predator, the top of the food chain... except for dragons, that is.

As a result, the drow is much less paranoid in this shape. Besides, he has plenty of means of self-defense. He can always fly away, if Talaerion so much as waves his staff threateningly. If the mage tries to hurt him mid-air, he could always do a barrel roll, or drop him in the lake.


for_ferelden May 29 2010, 00:35:56 UTC
"Really?!" The Warden has a light, pleasant baritone voice, and it cracks in his excitement. Another side effect is more enthusiastic petting. "I wouldn't harm you in any case, magically or otherwise, but if a promise would make you feel more comfortable, then you certainly have it."

He pauses in his petting for a moment, and then continues after he gathers his thoughts back together. "As for when... Well, whenever is convenient for you, I suppose?"


I need a lake icon, blast it. whipped_weapon May 29 2010, 01:09:34 UTC
The enthusiastic petting is much appreciated, if the way both of the griffin's eyes closed in bliss and he went back to making those "rrrrr." sounds is any indication.

"..rrr... Right now is fine. As is any time between today and tomorrow. The strange magic window found me late so I'm only in this shape for 2 days." The griffin stands up and stretches to get rid of any kinks in his back or his tail. Then he shakes himself, and in the process, the black feathers all fluff out until he looks.. rounder.


Re: I need a lake icon, blast it. for_ferelden May 29 2010, 01:19:50 UTC
It's impossible not to notice the griffin's pleasure, and Talaerion is soon using both hands. He pulls them back, though, when Zak stands up and stretches. And the way in which all of the griffin's feathers fluff out makes the mage grin in amusement.

"Well, if you were just out, I don't want to tire you. That would hardly be fair. But if you're feeling up to it..."


Re: I need a lake icon, blast it. whipped_weapon May 29 2010, 01:24:50 UTC
"I was out over three hours ago. I'm fine now." Zak is amused.
And Zak looks very.. very.. fluffy. He is very fluffy.
And he knows it too. He's not sure whether it's a blessing or a curse. A blessing because he gets more pettings this way, and a curse, because.. well. Giant predators capable of lifting an adult male are not supposed to be fluffy.

Eh, whatever. The griffin-self does not seem to think fluffy is bad, so Zak will go with the flow, so as to speak.

"We can go out now, if you'd like." The griffin agrees, and pads over to the Back Door that leads out into the area with the Lake. "You'll have to open it, I don't have hands anymore."


Re: I need a lake icon, blast it. for_ferelden May 29 2010, 01:36:08 UTC
Well, this particular giant predator will very soon be having approximately 130 pounds of elven mage with large hair on his back. That probably fits in with the fluffy image rather well. Talaerion hurries after Zak.

"Oh! Of course, that would make sense." He reaches out and opens the door, waiting so that Zak can leave first. After all, hands will be necessary to close the door, too.


Re: I need a lake icon, blast it. whipped_weapon May 29 2010, 01:48:33 UTC
The griffin bounds out, instinctively pleased to be out in the open air again, even if Zak was perfectly content to be in-Bar.

After a few moments, Zak stops the sudden cat-with-ball-of-string rush, and then moves to stretch himself out in what he's discovered to be the easiest way for an elf with a skirt to get on his back.

"Feel free to get on my back. Mind where you place your legs though, you need to get a good grip on me and you don't want them to impede the wings, as I'm going to be doing a lot of flapping."


Re: I need a lake icon, blast it. for_ferelden May 29 2010, 02:06:24 UTC
Hey now, robes do not a skirt make! They are the traditional attire of mages, and Talaerion has been finding his to be quite convenient. The heavy leather has done a lot for protecting his legs from thorns and the like. Besides, they make him look good -- damn good.

The Warden closes the door and then hurries over to where the griffin is crouched. He carefully swings his leg over the muscular back, seating himself in front of the large wings and carefully wrapping his around Zak's neck.

"Like this?" he asks. There's really not much to hold on to, with a griffin. Everything up this end is slick feathers and Talaerion doesn't want to inadvertently pull them out.


Re: I need a lake icon, blast it. whipped_weapon May 29 2010, 02:32:47 UTC
It's a skirt. All mages wear skirts.*

Talaerion is, thankfully, lighter than Zak's previous rider.**

The griffin makes sure that his rider's grip around his neck and his legs grip around his belly are strong enough to keep him on, and then he does his best to make sure the take-off is as calm and easy on his rider as possible. There is a lot of flapping, but once he gets to the proper altitude to catch a thermal, Zak shifts to soaring instead. It does, after all, make for a much smoother ride. And it's a rush. Very much like a roller-coaster, even if Zak's got no idea what a roller coaster is.

"You alright, back there?" Zaknafein asks. The thermals are strong enough to keep them up here for a while. "Where do you want to fly to?"

*This is Zaknafein's fondly held opinion since the first time he went to Sorcere for the months required by the Academy and promptly got ticked off by the condescending mage who was his teacher.

It's not a wise thing to mock a mage, and Zak was intelligent enough to keep his mouth shut long enough to make it out of there in one piece and not four-legged or tiny.

Zak never said he had outgrown petty revenge.

**Who was a Blood Elf. From WoW.


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