
May 27, 2010 15:20

It's some time later, after his talk with Tyler,  that the strange magic window that's found everyone else finds Zak.

< Today, Milliways marks the Cybertronian holiday of Cubefall, the anniversary of the day upon which the Allspark first landed on the rocky world that would become Cybertron. Would you like to sample some possible reconfigurations ( Read more... )

zevran arainai

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Comments 118

antivan_leather May 27 2010, 07:42:14 UTC
Zevran, for his part, has not been all that keen on reconfiguring. In his not-so-humble opinion he is, after all, practically perfect as is. It should be said, however, that he has not put the idea entirely out of his mind. He's uncertain whether he wants to spend the entire holiday as something other than himself (and some of the options had been... interesting), but perhaps the last day would be acceptable ( ... )


whipped_weapon May 27 2010, 07:47:27 UTC
The black griffin gives Zevran a Look.
It's piteous, and pleading and has all the penetrating power of a magic missile.
It could also, very easily be translated as 'Last Puppy in the Shop'

And it's directed right at the Antivan's face.


antivan_leather May 27 2010, 07:55:14 UTC
That is just not fair. Zevran is immune to the majority of those looks when they come from people, save for a select few -- friends from the bar, and children, usually. Animals are a different matter. Zevran likes animals; they tend to be innocent and blameless, and often get the short end of the stick. The Antivan is familiar with the latter, and respectful of the former.

He hesitates for a moment when the creature looks at him like that, and then carefully holds out one hand, inviting the griffin closer. It doesn't seem to want to rend him limb from limb, after all. Few people-- few creatures can maintain that look of pleading innocence when they have less than innocent thoughts on their mind.

Zevran should know. He is, after all, one of those few.


whipped_weapon May 27 2010, 08:01:02 UTC
The drow-turned griffin makes its way carefully over to lay his head on the couch, right next to Zevran's leg, within easy touching distance and his gaze remains on Zevran's face. His eyes are wide and golden and they plead for 'pettings' like a puppy. Or as close as a giant bird-cat hybrid can come to such a thing.

His claws are all sheathed, his body is relaxed, his tail waves slightly, hopefully, as if enticing the Antivan to play. Zak will, of course, take care not to leave a single scratch on Zevran's skin, should he be petted.


flail_victoria May 28 2010, 03:32:14 UTC
Seras had gotten her vidwindows and between the white kitten, and little kid, she couldn't decide on a reconfiguration. She was not wearing her nice dress today, she was wearing a pair of sweat pants and an over sized tee shirt. Both had the Hellsing logo on them.

With a sigh she flopped down on a couch near the griffon, inadvertently crushing a dog in the guies of a stuffed lion.

"AHHHHHH!!!!!" came a muffled cry. Seras pulled him out and the little lion kicked around a bit and babbled. He got thrown in the direction of the Griffon and may or may not hit the creature.


whipped_weapon May 28 2010, 03:50:31 UTC
The griffin wakes up from his long nap and dodges the small, complaining projectile lazily, by moving it's head out of the way. It gives the small dog-creature an amused look. It probably doesn't comfort the dog much.

A few minutes later, Zaknafein turns that raptorial gaze over to the young vampire on the couch near him.

"Nice to see you again, Seras." The voice is clearly Zaknafein's. The griffin smiles, good-naturedly. He doesn't care to hide what he is, right now, when the male he has such confusing emotions for is out of the way and does not need to be... impressed? scent marked? Stupid griffin instincts, suggesting mating dances... Not going there!


flail_victoria May 28 2010, 03:53:53 UTC
Seras laughed. "Zak!"

Seras resisted the urge to hug the large animal.

"I see you've chosen a new configuration," she said happily.


whipped_weapon May 28 2010, 03:58:53 UTC
"Yes, it's rather fun. I find the petting I've gotten so far to be very enjoyable." Zak agrees mildly.

"Though I would like to test a few things out to see if the instincts are correct, and if I can fly. Apparently, according to my instincts, I can probably carry someone on my back while doing so, but I haven't tried it out quite yet."

A few moments pause. "I've learned an interesting trick though."

And then he leveled the 'Last Puppy In The Shop' gaze right at her.
"This expression seems to get me pettings."


for_ferelden May 28 2010, 10:05:48 UTC
Talaerion has not chosen a new configuration. He had considered it, briefly, but the worry that a new form might disrupt his connection to the Fade had won out. That doesn't mean, of course, that he hasn't been enjoying Cubefall. The careful observer, or just someone with their eyes open, may notice a large LEGO model of a rather... curious-looking tower and surrounding island sitting in one corner. There are even little people, colored as carefully as Talaerion could manage like the templars and mages he knows.

It's made him a bit homesick, in truth. But it was still fun to construct, and somehow cathartic. Not that Talaerion will ever admit to Greagoir that he's missed him, of course ( ... )


whipped_weapon May 28 2010, 12:30:43 UTC
It happens to be a pitch-black griffin. A very large, sleek, well-groomed, well-built black griffin that looks large enough to carry a knight in full armor. (Or a blood elf in full armor, with a large, heavy mace-staff-thing... which he did a few hours ago. The experience was amusing, and exciting, but it tired him out, too.)

So far, the drow-turned-griffin had been dozing off, juuuust a little bit. The sound of footsteps nearby, the tinkle of broken flasks snapped him out of his light doze, and he stretches just a bit. The squeak of glee is a fairly good indication of location, and the feathered head swivels to take in the sight of a mage who seems to be eyeing his form with all the wide-eyed glee of a girl-child at a party who's just received a lot of expensive sweets.

The feathered brows rise, and then the griffin grins right at the mage.
Caught you!Zak gets to his feet, shakes himself to loosen up his back. In the process, his feathers (newly cleaned and oiled) fluff out. His tail waves slightly as he pads his way over to the ( ... )


for_ferelden May 28 2010, 21:43:01 UTC
The large build and obvious health of the creature become even more noticeable as the griffin gets closer. The grin is, admittedly, a bit surprising; Talaerion has never noticed birds to have a particular ability or interest for making that expression ( ... )


whipped_weapon May 28 2010, 23:33:57 UTC
Zaknafein tilts his head slightly in that strange way owls have, contemplating the mage as he thinks over ways to deal with this situation.

First option, he could to the Look again. He likes doing the Look. It gets him pettings.

Second option, he could just introduce himself straight out. The mage is obviously suffering from what Zak secretly considers 'cuteness overload' already. Perhaps the look will not be necessary?

Even if he is not, specifically cute. He's still... very furry. And fluffy.
It seems to work in some odd, undefinable way.

Hm... Decisions, decisions... The black griffin goes for option 2.

"Greetings, Talaerion." The griffin grins, tail waving slightly. It's probably rather shocking to have the drow's voice emerging from that beak.


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