
Apr 08, 2010 19:48

There's a lot of shit Dean isn't thinking about, or trying to not think about not thinking about ( Read more... )

liz sherman, jane austen, dean winchester, anna milton, elle, sallie reynolds, kim ford, parker lee

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Comments 264

parkerlee April 8 2010, 23:51:28 UTC
The reception for seniors at the president’s house was a quasi-dress up affair. For Parker that equals a cotton spring dress and sandals. Which, unfortunately, don’t provide much protection when (distracted by reading her program from the reception) Parker stubs her toes on a chair that someone left pulled out from a table.

What follows is some less than graceful hopping and crackling blue air.

“OW! Son of an ever-loving BITCH!”

That hurt.


hopeitsworthit April 8 2010, 23:56:04 UTC
"Whoa there, sweetheart," Dean says, carefully moving his hand away from the gun tucked into the back of his waistband.

His trigger is a little more 'hair' than it probably should be. Uh. Kinda.

"You break anything?"

Is he gonna have to catch her if it looks like she's gonna break something with all that hopping?


parkerlee April 8 2010, 23:59:47 UTC
He might. Or there might be a table handy that Parker can catch her balance on.

She's still perched on one leg, holding the offending foot in one hand. And looking fairly pained.

"No. Nope. I'm fine."

Embarrassed, but fine.

"Wasn't really using that leg, anyway. Was thinking about trying out the Long John Silver look."

Pegs don't feel pain.


hopeitsworthit April 9 2010, 00:04:20 UTC
"Yeah, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say waitin' for the pain to die down's probably a better idea. I mean, once you stick the peg on, it ain't like you can go back."

It's not that he's thought about it or anything (not even when he was ten, shut up).



hear_the_voices April 8 2010, 23:58:01 UTC
You know what's an excellent from of distraction?

A ten-year old girl who thinks you're awesome and likes to talk, that's what.

And would you look at that? That's just who has just spotted Dean.



hopeitsworthit April 9 2010, 00:01:57 UTC
It takes Dean a second to swap out his 'on the prowl' grin for a brighter one more suitable for children.

But swap it out he does.

"Hey, kiddo. Long time no see. You do any more singin' lately?"


hear_the_voices April 9 2010, 00:05:25 UTC
Anna nods.

"We're having a talent show. At church.

"Marissa and I are singing 'Don't Rain on My Parade.' Her mom is helping us.

"How are you?"


hopeitsworthit April 9 2010, 00:16:14 UTC
"I'm doin' okay. Kinda hungry, to be honest."

His grin goes a little crooked.

"You up for eating something, too?"


jane_becomes April 9 2010, 00:03:44 UTC
Jane's mood is also rather good for there are plans in the works and she smiles to see Dean,

"You look quite happy."


hopeitsworthit April 9 2010, 00:07:15 UTC
"Hey, I'm at the end of the universe with good booze, pretty ladies, and all the onion rings a guy could want. What's to be pissy about?"

Don't answer that, universe.

Just don't.

"How's it hangin', Jane?"


jane_becomes April 9 2010, 00:09:07 UTC
"Quite well. May I join you? Those onion rings do look rather tasty."

She really can't help but grin around him, Dean does know how to do happy better than many people. Some day, she really must introduce him to Tom, somehow.


hopeitsworthit April 9 2010, 00:17:52 UTC
"Pull up a chair if you want -- I'll even spring for you to get your own basket, if you like 'em."

He is a generous soul, is Dean Winchester.



risen_from April 9 2010, 00:10:46 UTC
Because Aphrodite is, upon occasion-- dare we say it-- a busty Asian beauty, that is more or less the form regarding Dean from a little ways down the Bar.

She smiles.

Milliways never disappoints on the 'cute boy' front.


hopeitsworthit April 9 2010, 00:16:57 UTC
Dean smiles back, adding a little bit of a leer to the end of it.

She is, after all, pretty damn hot. And busty.

"Hey there, sweetheart. Good day?"


risen_from April 9 2010, 00:25:12 UTC
Aphrodite's smile widens, showing off even, white teeth; it's a smile that conveys a certain type of understanding.

"So far," she agrees pleasantly. (Even 'Dite's pleasantries tend to be a little lascivious.) "I love this place."

The word love is drawn out and savored, and Dean receives a quick up-and-down that is both assessing and generally approving.

"How about you, sugar?"


hopeitsworthit April 9 2010, 00:34:32 UTC
"It's got its perks."

He sees her quick up-and-down and matches it with one of his own.

"The beer, for one. You in the mood?"

For beer.



walking_napalm April 9 2010, 01:28:49 UTC
Liz has taken over an entire table, in what was probably once an example of organized chaos but has become an explosion of file folders, notepads, yellowed photographs, sheets of paper produced by both computers and typewriters, and Polaroids, all topped by a plate containing the remains of a salad, a glass of water, a digital camera, and the nondescript evidence box (stamped with the BPRD logo) that all of this ephemera came out of.

She's sitting with her feet tucked neatly under her chair, her elbow on the table, and her forehead in her hand. She's turning a blank, irritated stare on the nearest piece of evidence, which happens to be the infrared photo of a hallway (with a strange blurred figure in the foreground) that is resting on the table under her arm.

Her BPRD stab vest has been thrown across the back of an empty chair at the table. She is still, however, wearing combat boots and her gun.


hopeitsworthit April 9 2010, 01:32:29 UTC
Dean's grin broadens, and he heads right on over.

"Liz. Hey!"

What? Red-skinned demon boyfriend or not, she's hot.

"What's with the whole 'working' thing you've got going? You ever just take time off?"


walking_napalm April 9 2010, 01:51:25 UTC
Liz blinks, then glances up. At the sight of Dean Winchester, she smiles faintly despite herself; more a wry tilt of her mouth than a full-blown grin, but it's a welcoming-enough expression.

"I'm on an assignment," she says. "It's either this or just throw up my hands and blow the building up." She's kidding. Mostly.

She settles her chin in her hand, looking up at him. "Hi, Dean."


hopeitsworthit April 9 2010, 02:09:54 UTC
"It worth blowing up if you can get everyone cleared out? Or are you aimin' for something more stealthy?"

Sometimes explosions are stealthy.

When, uh.

When there's construction nearby?


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