
Mar 11, 2010 11:48

Oi oi oi! Wot's all this then? It's a bloke walking into a bar, that's what. He's in shirtsleeves with sweatstains under his armpits, his tie pulled down, his sleeves rolled up, and his trenchcoat carried over one arm ( Read more... )

teyla emmagan, john constantine, enzo matrix, saffron, ava wilson, ianto jones

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likesthecoat March 11 2010, 17:25:40 UTC
"Bar, get the man a Guinness and Bushmills," Ianto says from behind him.

[ooc: If this is a v.v. bad idea Ianto will leave.]


bloody_awful March 11 2010, 17:31:28 UTC
[ooc: This is a wonderful idea! Mun has missed you... and I think John has missed Ianto too.]

At the sound of the voice (those vowels!), John turns around slowly. A hint of a smile quickly turns into a cheeky grin. " 'Ow's it been, then?" he asks, as if they'd just seen each other yesterday.

Some people are just so fuckin' blasé...


likesthecoat March 11 2010, 17:34:10 UTC
[ooc: *hugs* I've missed you too, and Ianto misses John.]

"Very well, thank you." Ianto slides onto the stool beside him and puts his coffee cup on the bar for a refill.

"I see you've been traveling."


bloody_awful March 11 2010, 17:42:56 UTC
"Bloody Mumbai," he grumbles under his grin. "More trouble than it's worth. Cowshit everywhere." He takes a long drink from the pint of Guinness and sighs happily, like a dying man given water. Thoroughly refreshed, he gives Ianto a genuine smile and says, "You're looking good."


likesthecoat March 11 2010, 17:44:54 UTC
"Thank you." He leans his chin on his hand. "So are you.

"I went to Nepal a few months ago. Not quite as picaresque as Mumbai, I suspect, but the native were friendly."


bloody_awful March 11 2010, 18:00:00 UTC
John snorts. "Mountains, snow, butter in the tea, and yetis. No, thanks." He spreads his arms wide and shows off. "Ain't I a beauty, though? I need some silver bangles and a nose ring."

...which appear on the bar. John frowns at them. "Someone's in a jolly mood, I see."


likesthecoat March 11 2010, 18:03:22 UTC
"Alas, we didn't find a yeti."

Ianto smirks and pats the Bar. "And henna. You could use some henna on your hands."


bloody_awful March 11 2010, 18:10:06 UTC
A pause... during which John eyes him speculatively.


"You gonna put it there, then?"


likesthecoat March 11 2010, 18:11:53 UTC
"If you like," Ianto says mildly. "I don't know how to do a mandala but I could do a Celtic knot or something like that without much trouble."


bloody_awful March 11 2010, 18:13:48 UTC
John nods. "How's Jack doing?" he asks bluntly.

Let's riiiiiiiiiiiip that plaster off, shall we? ;)


likesthecoat March 11 2010, 18:17:02 UTC
"Bar, could I have a jar of henna and a small paintbrush, please," Ianto says.

Totally not stalling. Not even when he takes a little longer than is probably necessary to work off the stopper from the henna jar, and the smell gets a nose-wrinkle.

"He's well."


bloody_awful March 11 2010, 18:21:37 UTC
John takes a sip (a sip!) of the whiskey and looks at Ianto over the glass. "Sounds like domestic bliss."

He gently places his hand on the bar, palm up.


likesthecoat March 11 2010, 18:24:32 UTC
"It's very good."

He asks Bar for a blunt pencil and carefully starts to outline a knot on John's palm.

"This symbolizes strength. Not that I think you need any extra--" He glances up with smile. "But it never hurts."


bloody_awful March 11 2010, 18:26:15 UTC
"Cheers to that."

He watches Ianto draw on his hand. Awkward silence, much?


likesthecoat March 11 2010, 18:30:36 UTC
"Not at all."

Ianto draws carefully.

"I'm a bartender here now," he says to fill the silence.

[ooc: The knot I'm thinking of looks like this, btw.]


bloody_awful March 11 2010, 18:39:50 UTC
"But you're not Bound or ... anything, so you can't need the credit," says John. "Don't you fetch drinks and that cack back home? Don't you get tired of being at everyone's beck and call?"

He watches the pattern grow on his palm, not looking at Ianto at all. Occasionally, as Ianto draws, his wrist brushes against John's hand. John's not sure whether he quite likes the feeling, but it's not one he'd pass up.


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