
Mar 11, 2010 11:48

Oi oi oi! Wot's all this then? It's a bloke walking into a bar, that's what. He's in shirtsleeves with sweatstains under his armpits, his tie pulled down, his sleeves rolled up, and his trenchcoat carried over one arm ( Read more... )

teyla emmagan, john constantine, enzo matrix, saffron, ava wilson, ianto jones

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Comments 135

stargypsy March 11 2010, 17:02:56 UTC
There's someone at a nearby table staring at him. Well, presumably. It's kind of hard to tell with that tinted face mask.

(Please excuse her, she's never seen flower garlands or a bindi mark before.)


bloody_awful March 11 2010, 17:07:20 UTC
Well, she's not really seeing them now to best advantage, as they're kind of in sad shape...

The bloke at the bar gives her a cheeky grin and winks.


stargypsy March 11 2010, 17:15:25 UTC
Tali's first instinct is to try and look away and pretend she was not, in fact, staring, but she realizes she's been found out. "Um. Sorry." Her voice is tinny, probably because of the mask, and she has what sounds like a slight Russian accent. "I was just wondering about the flowers, and the..." She taps her forehead. (She has three fingers, thumb included. It doesn't look like she lost the other two, but like three fingers are her default, so to speak.)


bloody_awful March 11 2010, 17:21:19 UTC
Three fingers, twelve fingers, whatever. This is Milliways, and John knows it well. He chuckles and says, "It's what happens when you do some people a favour, I guess. Kick one little demon's arse and all of a sudden people are dancing and throwing flowers at you and making a bloody ruckus."

He doesn't really look as if it bothered him all that much.


weplayparts March 11 2010, 17:08:00 UTC
"You've been traveling," notes the redhead sitting a few tables away.

She's got a plate of freshly ripe strawberries in front of her, and is planning on taking her sweet time going through them.


bloody_awful March 11 2010, 17:10:54 UTC
John smiles at the voice, turns around, and leans his elbows back on the bar.

"You think?" he teases. "Might be I just starred in a Bollywood musical. You should see me dance sometime."


weplayparts March 11 2010, 17:13:52 UTC
The smile she offers in return is sweet enough as she idly turns one berry back and forth in her fingertips.

"Now that I might actually pay to watch."


bloody_awful March 11 2010, 17:15:49 UTC
"Please tell me you'll stuff cash in my knickers," John replies with a wiggle of his eyebrows. He's watching that strawberry very carefully.


pixie_runner March 11 2010, 17:16:17 UTC
"Ho-lee crap!" exclaims a voice near John's elbow at the bar. "Did a fairy barf on you or something? You reek!"

Yes John, there's a 4" (10cm since John's English) pixie holding his nose and staring at you.


bloody_awful March 11 2010, 17:25:48 UTC
John gives the winged little annoyance a long, considering look. Ordinarily, he'd probably swat you like a fly, or perhaps step on you without a second thought. But this is Milliways, and that kind of thing is frowned upon. Instead, he says, " 'Ere, this'll take away the reek," and blows cigarette smoke in your face.


pixie_runner March 11 2010, 17:48:13 UTC
The pixie darts out of the way of the blast as if he'd been expecting it.

"And you breath fairy farts too? Better and better."


bloody_awful March 11 2010, 18:04:27 UTC
Rules or no rules, this pixie might find itself on the bad end of a flyswatter.

"Then bugger off to sweeter smelling pastures, why don't you?"


likesthecoat March 11 2010, 17:25:40 UTC
"Bar, get the man a Guinness and Bushmills," Ianto says from behind him.

[ooc: If this is a v.v. bad idea Ianto will leave.]


bloody_awful March 11 2010, 17:31:28 UTC
[ooc: This is a wonderful idea! Mun has missed you... and I think John has missed Ianto too.]

At the sound of the voice (those vowels!), John turns around slowly. A hint of a smile quickly turns into a cheeky grin. " 'Ow's it been, then?" he asks, as if they'd just seen each other yesterday.

Some people are just so fuckin' blasé...


likesthecoat March 11 2010, 17:34:10 UTC
[ooc: *hugs* I've missed you too, and Ianto misses John.]

"Very well, thank you." Ianto slides onto the stool beside him and puts his coffee cup on the bar for a refill.

"I see you've been traveling."


bloody_awful March 11 2010, 17:42:56 UTC
"Bloody Mumbai," he grumbles under his grin. "More trouble than it's worth. Cowshit everywhere." He takes a long drink from the pint of Guinness and sighs happily, like a dying man given water. Thoroughly refreshed, he gives Ianto a genuine smile and says, "You're looking good."


hadyougoing March 11 2010, 18:50:58 UTC
[ooc: okay, uh, I don't know if this is a HORRIBLE IDEA or not ...]

Ava is on her lunch break.

And, since she has teleportation privileges from hell, that means she can avoid being spotted using the door when she's suppoooosed to be bound.

Therefore: The girl in the blouse and skirt and sensible sneakers steps out of the bathroom instead, looking a little dazed as she adjusts her silvery headband.

Her expression blossoms into a bright smile when she sees Constantine.

"Ooh, pretty!" she says.

... Without apparent irony.


bloody_awful March 11 2010, 19:04:22 UTC
[ooc: horrible how? Fun, yes!]

John wrinkles his nose. He smells... Hell. In fact, he says, "Oh hell."

He turns to face the young woman. With a sigh, he lights a cigarette and says, "Yeah, I'm a beauty, ain't I?"


hadyougoing March 11 2010, 19:20:56 UTC
Ava usually does a pretty good job scrubbing out the various smells, but it is pretty touch and go. Not to mention febrezing yourself starts to get just a little conspicuous ...

"Well, I mostly meant the flowers," she says, apologetic. (Pretending not to get sarcasm can occasionally be hilarious.)

And adds quickly, "But I think it's a good look! It's very ... I was gonna say Hawaiian but then you have a thing ...?"

She gestures to her own forehead.


bloody_awful March 11 2010, 19:28:07 UTC
Oh, John could smell Hell in a bunch of roses. It's not Ava's fault at all.

"India," he says bluntly. He gives her a slow look up and down. "Something I can help you with, miss?"

Milliways rules say, No Business In The Bar, but that doesn't mean John has to be chummy with every demonic chippy who crosses his path.

[ooc: what does Ava perceive off John? What do you know about John and his canon?]


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