(no subject)

Feb 04, 2010 18:20

Ramon comes downstairs for the first time in a while, looking well groomed, relaxed and happy. Well, you could probably substitute 'happy' for 'smug' if you wanted to but what's new there? Anyway, he approaches Bar with the plan of ordering a nice steak dinner, having a few drinks and seeing if there's anyone interesting around.

Instead, what he gets is a long pause from Bar.

He scowls. And is about to utter a few choice insults when a napkin shows up.

You're late.

'Oh, really? Dare I ask what for?'

Beat. And then, a cake appears. An enormous, towering, pink cake, with lots of white swirly icing and sugar flowers (also pink). It's covered with candles and large, childlike letters spell out HAPPY 50TH BIRTHDAY RAMON!! on the top.

Ramon? Is not impressed.

ruin, mary anne bell, urquhart, saffron, ramon salazar

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