(no subject)

Nov 04, 2009 15:45

[OOM: Have You Seen This Boy?]

Her first Halloween come and gone, Sativa was out of the shark costume, back in her more sensible attire and back through the door to Modoc.

She later returns to the bar, this time accompanied by a slick-coated, black, tan and white-colored Border Collie. "He didn't wander in though here, did he?" She asks the dog, who just whines. "Didn't think so. C'mon, Laddie." -For that is his name- "Let's take a break." He barks in response, which is probably an agreement. They'd covered as much ground as they could for one day.

After ordering from the bar she sits down with a glass of scotch, Laddie on the floor at her side with a dish of water and some beef jerky. On the table in front of her is something she found at the bottom of the town well, at the end of a tunnel, at the foot of a large pile of rocks: an old Red Ryder BB gun, the kind a child might own.

She quietly contemplates the object as she drinks, hoping it doesn't mean what she thinks it could mean.

[WasteWandererTag: Sativa]
[ArmyOfJustOneTag: Adrian Shephard]

sativa, oom, adrian shephard

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