(no subject)

Nov 03, 2009 21:39

The ship-in-bottle project is nearly complete.

Castiel, without managing to dye his skin any more unlikely colors, has created a blue putty sea inside the wide-mouthed bottle. And the ship itself (masts folded) has gently been settled on the gentle waves.

All that's left is to use the attached strings to raise the masts and sails.

Very carefully, Castiel pulls at the strings, and the masts obligingly rise to attention.

And that's when he hits a snag.

The strings are supposed to detach. But it seems that Castiel might have tied them a bit too snugly.

Castiel frowns. Glances around him. And waves one hand over the bottle.

The strings fall away of their own accord. The Speedwell is officially launched.

castiel, the crossroads demon (verity)

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