(no subject)

Nov 02, 2009 20:49

It's not a happy halfa that comes through the doorway of Milliways tonight. But then you'd be annoyed too if your trick or treating and other Halloween festivities had been interrupted by an upswing in ghost activity back home.

"Chocolate milkshake, please," Dani requests as she hops up on a bar stool and thunks her forehead against the bar top. "Large." The ice cream treat appears as requested, along with a note. Curious Dani picks it up and reads through it, before crumpling it up and stuffing it in the pocket of her hoodie.

Great. Now Danny will be trying even harder to keep her out of here.

OOC: [car keys post for Wolfgang Grimmer, but if anyone else feels like poking a mildly peeved half-ghost then have at!]

dani phantom, andraia, enzo matrix, car keys

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