In the bar there is a table strategically set close enough to the fireplace that the two occupants are cast into a warm light without risking spontaneous combustion. When you're a vampire, you use what assets your immortality gives while hiding pesky side effects with excellent lighting. And these two vampires are old enough to have figured out how
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He'd seen that sign before. Of course, it hadn't been as blurry when he'd seen it the first time.
...He'd not drank as much wine when he'd seen it the first time.
All in all, Phoenix - in stark contrast to the two at the table - looked like hell. His hair wasn't spiked back, and his usual suit was nowhere to be seen. Instead, he was wearing sweats, sandals, and a hoodie, and an expression like somebody had run over his dog, but that might've been okay since he was now rather snockered.
"Mr. Wright," he greets, his voice carefully intoned. He works in a dance club. He knows a drunk when he sees one.
He'd come in earlier, ready for a drink, and he'd drank.
It meant he was going to owe more than a little, but he didn't exactly care about that at the moment.
"Coincidensh works for me for a change."
"You already signed up, Phoenix. You need to go and sleep off the alcohol."
"I did not know you weren't the only one of your kind, Damian," she says mildly, with a small smile. "Do you need me to sign onto your list?"
"It would be best," he says, thinking if Anita found out he had fed from the Atlantian, she might do something rash. "Are you well, Kida?"
She picks up the clipboard, and after a moment writes the shortened version of her name and her room number, trusting Damian knows who she is enough to find her.
"This is Asher," he says with a glance to the blond vampire. "He is a master vampire, so he won't need to feed as frequently as I do, but the list is for his benefit as well."
"You have not found your way out of perhaps a novel my Mrs. Radcliffe, sir?"
"As far as I am aware, we are both certainly real," he replies, rising to his feet.
She bobs a slightly surprised curtsy,
"You must pardon me but I have only ever read of vampires, sirs."
"Many have not, outside of our world," Asher murmurs, pulling out a chair for her, should she wish to sit. "You would not be the first to be surprised so."
None of this has anything to do with why she stops when she sees the sign, and back tracks a couple of steps to properly double take and blink.
"You've gotta be spinnin' me."
She doesn't approach the table, but she does face it, and the vampires behind it, one unimpressed eyebrow quirked.
"What exactly does 'no business' mean to you people?"
"If you're referring to the Bar rules, this is not outside business. This is a need that must be met due to the inability of Bar to provide for our needs. We need blood, and this is the most... civil... way of getting it without harming anyone."
He doesn't mention that his mistress has forbidden him from using his vampiric powers in order to entrance his prey. His eyes don't shine with preternatural light. He doesn't use his skill at seduction to lure anyone to the table. He ignores his nature and sits with the sign-up sheet, making sure that the donors are completely willing by not using anything but normal verbal persuasion on those he thinks are worth the trouble.
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