
Apr 28, 2009 17:07

Fact: In Doc Potter's arms is a remarkably runty little demon rabbit.

Fact: Doc Potter's hands are suffering from first-degree burns, and his sleeves are singed.

Fact: The demon bunny is, even more remarkably, asleep, and has a muzzle firmly affixed on its snout.

Fact: Doc Potter looks about thisclose to conking out.

Fact: Never before in his life has ( Read more... )

will scarlett, jacen solo, ben wade, doc potter, bill pardy

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lasthalfmile April 29 2009, 00:15:30 UTC
Fact: Dan is intrigued.

He comes over (quietly) and takes a seat in a nearby chair.

"Doc," he nods in greeting.


didntmakeitout April 29 2009, 00:26:05 UTC
Doc inclines his head, smiling a little lopsidedly as the rabbit snuffles in its sleep.

"Hey there, Evans."


lasthalfmile April 29 2009, 00:32:30 UTC
Awwwwwww, bunnysnuffle.

"Found yourself a friend?"

He certainly hopes it's not a patient.


didntmakeitout April 29 2009, 00:34:30 UTC
"Hope so," Doc responds, looking down at the charge in his arms.

"I mean, uh."

He manages to waggle the (red) fingers of one hand in Dan's direction.

"We got off on a weird sort'a foot."


lasthalfmile April 29 2009, 00:56:26 UTC
The burns remind him (somewhat) of when he got scorched helping Yrael off the floor.

(It's interesting, how only some things will burn the skin of the dead. Bright Shiners and demon bunnies, apparently have something in common.)

His lips quirk in a wry smile.

"Well he seems awful content right now."


didntmakeitout April 29 2009, 01:39:09 UTC
"I dunno if I'd still have fingers if he was awake," Doc jokes.

"Runt of the litter, I think," he adds, after a moment's silence.

"Still feisty."


lasthalfmile April 29 2009, 01:57:49 UTC
"He does look quite small."

(Why does it remind him of Mark? It shouldn't remind him of Mark. It's a rabbit.)

"Where'd you find him?"


didntmakeitout April 29 2009, 02:01:37 UTC

Looking back down at the bunny, his mouth quirks.

"By the lake, t'be more specific. An' alone."


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