Feb 02, 2009 09:49
It is extremely difficult to maintain any kind of dignity when one has just been seen by one's teammates, running around screaming "HEY EVERYONE, I AM ON FIRE!". Nevertheless, the Medic tries his best, and under most circumstances the rest of BLU allows him that much.
It is also hard to maintain one's dignity when the fastest way to stop being on fire involves jumping into the nearest body of water and swimming for an alternate exit, only to discover that said exit leads, this time, to Milliways. Nevertheless, once again, the Medic tries. However, he is also dripping like a mad thing as he stalks over to the Bar, so there may be puddles involved if you come anywhere near him.
You have been warned.
[tinytag: BLU Medic (Team Fortress 2), MC Pefes (Persona 3 FES), Cata (Villains By Necessity)]
a blu medic,