(no subject)

Dec 24, 2008 20:46

When Godric took the stairs two at a time down into the commons he had to pause on the last step. The bar sure did look festive with all its decor for the holidays everywhere and the tree that resided in the room. Everyone was in a festive sort of spirit, but there was one thing missing.

Standing on that last step the wizard pondered this for a good few minutes before he snapped his fingers and knew exactly what it needed. With his right hand he removed the wand from behind his belt, giving it a gentle movement through the air like a lovers caress. A spell like this required such gentleness.

The end of the wand started to glow a soft white with a blue hue around it and, every so slightly, little white flakes started to fall from the ceiling. When they hit the floors or the tables they seemed to vanish without leaving even a watery trace! If someone were to catch a flake or two on their tounges, it would taste like the first time they ever ate a snowflake!

Pleased with his work the wizard made his way deeper into the room heading straight toward the bar. Yes. Today was a good day.

godric gryffindor, izzie stevens

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