
Nov 09, 2008 15:51

HEY. This place. Just like he wanted, and a note: maybe it's just a case of right place right time, or maybe Bar's sick of takin' his gil. Whatever it is, shit yeah, he'll tend bar for a couple hours instead of drinkin' his life away. There's plenty of time for that after.Since he was 18 he's worked for Shin-Ra and pourin' drinks behind a bar wasn' ( Read more... )

tifa lockhart, will scarlett, bartending, tom lefroy, kate austen, bela talbot

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will_scarlett November 10 2008, 01:16:19 UTC
Will just grins at the specials,

"Third one sounds like a good one to be startin' with."


sleazeoverstyle November 10 2008, 01:19:39 UTC
"Sure, sure, make me friggin' work." He's just joking, though: it ain't all that hard to pour in vodka and sloe gin and top it off with lemonade. "Here you go, pal."

There, not so friggin' hard at all. "You'll have to let me know how it is. Where I'm from, the booze pours a little different."

It doesn't, but it sure as fuck sounds good.


will_scarlett November 10 2008, 01:24:33 UTC
"Oh aye, course, always curious to try somethin' new 'ere."


sleazeoverstyle November 10 2008, 01:27:12 UTC
"One Sex in the Red Zone." 'Cause he's seen Tifa do it this way before, he sets down a napkin and puts the glass on top of that, slides it over to the guy. "I think Bar picked that just to fuck with me. So I'd have to say the name a bunch of times."


will_scarlett November 10 2008, 01:29:43 UTC
"Naught wrong with sex but aye na somethin' choose to be talkin' 'bout lots with, think me Kate would get 'nnoyed at me."

Will takes the drink and raises it in a toast.


sleazeoverstyle November 10 2008, 01:35:20 UTC
He kind of has no friggin' idea what the guy's just said, but he hears sex and Kate and he's smart enough to put two and two together, only not like that 'cause he doesn't even know this Kate lady or what she looks like, and he only knows one Kate here and wonders if she'd get annoyed talkin' about sex, but he doesn't know her well enough to know.

He'd like to, though. Hopefully it's a different Kate from the one this guy's with.

"Get annoyed, huh? Why's that?"

Hey, if he can't push it, he might as well give the fuck up.


will_scarlett November 10 2008, 01:37:23 UTC
"Cause she gets shy at times well na all the time though. Do ye 'ave a lass? Mm, this is good."


sleazeoverstyle November 10 2008, 01:42:13 UTC
Him? Have a lass? The fuck.

"Do I look like the settlin' down type?" Not that this guy would have any friggin' idea. "Shit. I got 'em everywhere, and ain't none of 'em shy."

Maybe he ought to be a little careful what he says. There's more than one lady here who's shared her bed with him -- none of them with any promises of exclusivity, though -- and he ain't necessarily the most discreet guy on the face of the universe, so...

"But no one lady in particular, if that's what you're asking."


will_scarlett November 10 2008, 01:51:11 UTC
Will laughs and nods at that,

"Oh aye, sounds a good life if ye can get it. Where ye from then?"


sleazeoverstyle November 10 2008, 01:56:43 UTC
"Me?" It's a standard-issue response, followed immediately by the usual no, asshole, the six other Turks hanging out behind the bar. "From a pretty little planet called Gaia. City of Midgar, if that means shit to ya."

He nods to the drink, glad the guy likes it. "How about you? Name's Reno, by the way."


will_scarlett November 10 2008, 02:09:31 UTC
"Will Scarlett an I'm from Nottingham, England which ye may know o'. Sad to say ne'er 'eard o'where ye're from. What kind o'city is Midgar?"


sleazeoverstyle November 10 2008, 02:26:48 UTC
"The big kind." He nods casually to the viewing window as if the face of his very own planet's gonna just show up there. "Lots and lots of people. The city kind of got destroyed" -- ain't no one's business how that happened and he's not about to share the info -- "and so they're rebuilding now. It's a place. Cars and buses and trains, all that shit."

He leans forward a little: it ain't so busy he can't be nice. "So I never heard of Nottingham. Or England. What are those like?"


will_scarlett November 10 2008, 02:30:45 UTC
"Lot quieter than most cities folks 'ere are fun. Me Kate's from New York which is just 'uge. Nottingham's surrounded by Sherwood Forest and tis the finest forest in all the world."

There's a flash of ancient green magic in Will's eyes as he drinks and smiles.


sleazeoverstyle November 10 2008, 02:39:10 UTC
"Forest, huh?" Shit, people will live anywhere. Yeah, he's been to places in forests before: it ain't his cup of whatever at all.

"You are talkin' Earth, I take it?" Most people around here do. "'Cause I've only been there one time, and that was just to this place called Hawaii. I have no idea where New... York? That's what you said? is, or what makes up the finest forest in all your world."

The ones he knows are pretty, if you like stark white glowing trees. He's more of a city guy.



will_scarlett November 10 2008, 02:41:11 UTC
"Kate's from New York, tis in 'merica. Sherwood's in England an just is 'erself an protects us from all the 'ard times. Ne'er been able to 'xplain Sherwood properly just Sherwood, few places can touch it."


sleazeoverstyle November 10 2008, 02:45:31 UTC
Okay. That helps him... not at all, so he shrugs and picks up a damp rag and cleans Bar's surface, just because it seems like that's what all the cool kids do when they're back here. Or else he's just seen it a million times and it's what he has to occupy his hands.

"So where's this Kate of yours? She here too, or stuck in New York?" Seems like it's worth finding out. Especially if she's the same Kate he tried to put the moves on.


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