(no subject)

Nov 09, 2008 15:51

HEY. This place. Just like he wanted, and a note: maybe it's just a case of right place right time, or maybe Bar's sick of takin' his gil. Whatever it is, shit yeah, he'll tend bar for a couple hours instead of drinkin' his life away. There's plenty of time for that after.

Since he was 18 he's worked for Shin-Ra and pourin' drinks behind a bar wasn't ever part of Turks training. But fuck it. If other people can do it, so can he. There's a little book that shows how to mix a bunch of drinks and if he can't figure it out, there's always hey, that's how they make that drink on my planet, pal. The specials board's already filled out for him:

Wutai Pale Ale
Icicle Run
Sex in the Red Zone
One bottled ale (easy), one beer on tap (also easy), and one drink with a name after his own heart: he maneuvers himself lightly over the bar and takes a minute to get familiar with the setup back here. Shit, he's spent enough time and money on the other side of the bar to qualify at least as an honorary bartender. How friggin' hard can it be?

"All right. I get it, it's my turn. Take it easy on me, would ya?" Yeah, yeah, like he needs that: he ain't never turned away from somethin' new just 'cause he had no idea what he was doin'. He always figures it out sooner or later.

[ETA: Thanks everyone! Slowtime now, y/n?]

tifa lockhart, will scarlett, bartending, tom lefroy, kate austen, bela talbot

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