(no subject)

Sep 09, 2008 19:43

"-und come all the way over zere und you are not burning to death in a slow and horrible fashion or are otherwise injured beyond repair I vill cut you in half myself!" shouts the latest arrival to Milliways over his shoulder. "Don't think I-"

It occurs to him that the sounds he is hearing are not those one would expect anywhere in the BLU regional headquarters; he stops, turning to see what's going on. He's somewhat past six feet tall, a man in his mid-forties or a little later, dark-haired with graying getting well underway at the temples. His eyes, rapidly widening behind his round, wire-rimmed glasses, are nearly the same shade of blue as the long, old-school lab coat he's wearing. He was obviously in the middle of something; he's got on a pair of thick blue rubber gloves that reach all the way to his elbows, and a massive backpack parked with several emergency symbols.

Oh, and he's swearing under his breath in German as he takes in the room. Definitely not what he thought he'd see.

[tinytag: BLU Medic, Xaldin, RED Scout]

a blu medic, xaldin

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