Let’s go have some drinks!

Sep 06, 2008 16:23

Demyx is stumbling and carrying his sitar over his shoulder when he makes his way up to bar today. Too many people have waylayed him with important conversations, it's time to down enough antidotes to kill off a plague. That should take care of the Atlantean and the hangover ( Read more... )

the russian astronaut, bartending, annabelle newfield, draco malfoy, yrael, xaldin, mickey mouse, cal chandler, demyx, xigbar, axel

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Comments 256

notagagagirl September 6 2008, 23:59:35 UTC
Scaramouche is gawping at him.

She's never (knowingly, and not influenced by the weirdness that surrounds Gazza) heard music like that.

Though, she does think it's missing a certain something.

(Namely an electric guitar solo, but she doesn't know what a guitar is, poor girl)


healitwithwater September 7 2008, 00:04:33 UTC
From atop his chair, Demyx points to Scaramouche has his song closes.

"YOU! Yes- you-- I don't think I ever got your name actually Hi I'm Demyx WHAT'LL IT BE?" he points to the board. In case she needs suggestions.


notagagagirl September 7 2008, 00:13:02 UTC
She blinks at him, a little startled to be picked out of the crowd (despite her new, flashier clothes).

"Scaramouche. My name's Scaramouche. And. Um. I'll..." She boggles slightly at the board. "I don't know what to have."


healitwithwater September 7 2008, 00:15:37 UTC
"SCARAMOUCHE! ... hey that sounds familiar, I wonder why." Demyx scratches the back of his head. He'll have to check his iPod later. For now he slings the sitar over his shoulder so he can tap his chin with his other hand.

"What color do you like, and do you want it to be alcoholic or not?"


killitwith_fire September 7 2008, 00:04:30 UTC
Axel's face is on the bar.

His shoulders are shaking, but he's making no sound.

It might be laughing.

It might be crying.


healitwithwater September 7 2008, 00:07:22 UTC
"AXEL!" Demyx exclaims happily, twirling the insanely over-sized sitar in one hand. "You heard. I'm so glad. That came from deep inside. Did you enjoy it? Want a drink? I promise I probably won't spike it this time!"


killitwith_fire September 7 2008, 00:09:48 UTC
When Axel looks up, it turns out 'laughing' would be the right answer.

"You're insane," he comments. "Get me something spicy."


healitwithwater September 7 2008, 00:19:34 UTC
Demyx's grin might be broader than Axel's for a change.

"You wouldn't be near as fascinated with me if I wasn't." he countered before launching into a particularly bouncy rendition of 'Let's Get Together' (yeah yeah yeah, why don't you and I combine? Let's get together, what do you say? we could have a swingin' time!) mixing up one of Axel's spicy drinks with the music. True to his ... er... promise? Was that even a promise? He doesn't put Atlantean in it.

In this one at least.


acts_of_gord September 7 2008, 00:11:04 UTC
".... I'm not even sure I want to know," says Gordon, staring. "Uh. I'm fine with just beer, thanks."


healitwithwater September 7 2008, 00:23:55 UTC
"BEER! Beer it is my good man!" Demyx declares from atop his chair, which he leaps down from to fetch a random beer and set it on the bar in front of Gordon.


acts_of_gord September 7 2008, 00:32:06 UTC
He squints at the label. "Ommegang Ommegeddon," he notes. "Does this count for the explosion discount? It's got a mushroom cloud on the label...."

He's not sure if it's safe to open, actually. This is Milliways.


healitwithwater September 7 2008, 00:44:00 UTC
Demyx looks at the label, pausing in his effort to nab more chairs to walk on behind the bar.

"...Yeah man, sure. Explosion is explosion. Uh, might wanna open that under the table, just to be safe."

He ducks down a bit, eyes just barely peeking over the edge of the bar.


isaysimplewords September 7 2008, 00:23:14 UTC
Cal, who wasn't really planning on checking out the bartending for the next couple of days, brightens when he hears singing. Funny how it should happen just a couple of days after he realized that no one sings here, not even him.

(For a person from a musical world, this is roughly like being someplace where no one shouts. Sure, you think you would notice the quiet, but how long would it take before you did?)

It sounds normal and real on a level Cal wouldn't even begin to explain, even if it's someone else's song (of course he can tell), so he decides he might have to go to happy hour today after all. He takes a seat with his ever-present mug of coffee and just listens.


healitwithwater September 7 2008, 00:28:32 UTC
After the song, when people start showing up, Demyx starts dragging more chairs back behind the bar so he can maintain his little 'stage', playing to make the liquid dance and mix into the drinks because HEY, if you have water controlling power, what else would you use it for?

He does eventually get over to Cal, grinning like the loon he is.

"Hey man! Got a request for drink or song?"


isaysimplewords September 7 2008, 00:36:23 UTC
"I could use a refill on my coffee," Cal says. "No other requests, though. Whatever you've got's fine." He smiles. "Hey, weren't you in here singing before?" He would have paid more attention if he'd realized at the time how unusual it would be here.


healitwithwater September 7 2008, 00:50:07 UTC
"COFFEE FOR THE GENTLEMAN!" BAM! Coffee comes flying out of the pot and into the cup with a few notes of the Flash Gordon theme.

"Yeah man! I love the tunes, I try to spread them where I can. Life would be better if more people just sang, you know?"


dragonofgrey September 7 2008, 00:27:23 UTC

.........is that blasted awful racket?

The drink sounds promising though.

".........Is this happy hour or making the customers eardrums bleed hour?"


healitwithwater September 7 2008, 00:51:33 UTC
"Happy hour!" Demyx informs Draco with a sunny smile, completely missing any sarcasm involved in it. He pauses and loooooks at Draco. Huh. seems like he should recognize the guy. It'll come to him eventually. "Anyway! Whatcha want?"


dragonofgrey September 7 2008, 01:07:47 UTC
Draco stared back with his grey eyes. Something odd but interesting with this queer bloke. Familiar sense.

"Something with Firewhiskey in it."


healitwithwater September 7 2008, 01:13:07 UTC
"Firewhisky, that sounds promising!" One two three ROCK! In comes a sitar and vocals version of Tribute.

Draco gets Axel's drink. Well, sort of. None of that liquid fire, that's libel to kill a human. But he replaces the liquid fire with Firewhiskey and hopefully it works.

Hold on to your taste buds, Draco.


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