(no subject)

Apr 28, 2008 19:16

Teja has done as Jadis had suggested.

Today, he's taken his guitar and a 'sun screen' (which turned out to be a potion in a bottle) to the part of the lake where it is a sea, and the ship that ferries the dead sometimes makes berth.

There, he takes off his cloak and armour, greaves and caligae; he covers his face, neck, bare arms, feet and ankles with the potion (which turns out to smell strange but not unpleasant*, and then sits in the shade of one of the odd trees that place has, leaning back against the trunk, and playing his guitar, going through all the songs that he played with Toki yesterday.

It is, indeed, a good thing to do.-

* It smells of coconut; but Teja does, of course, not recognise the smell, as he would not even know what a coconut is.-

teja, yrael

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