
Nov 24, 2007 22:02

A whole hell of a lot has happened to Roy since he was last in the bar. The most notable event has, without question, been the return of Edward Elric to Amestris. For all that Roy's been trying to keep things under wraps for the sake of maintaining some sort of order and cutting down on questions, he knows from long and bitter experience that ( Read more... )

roy mustang, she-hulk, maes hughes, ava wilson, axel, edward elric

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Comments 43

kodachromic November 25 2007, 06:22:54 UTC
A heavy hand falls on Roy's shoulder, and Hughes uses his support to lean over and peer at the book the other man is reading. He's intentionally putting more of his weight onto Roy than he necessarily needs to.

"Anything interesting?"


snapcrackleburn November 25 2007, 06:28:19 UTC
"Absolutely fascinating. And if you don't stop leaning on me like that, you're also going to find it interesting as well, because I'm going to hit you square in that pretty face of yours with it."

Words of a tiger, the purr of a kitten, apparently -- Roy's tone is pretty indicative of the fact that he does not, in fact, mind being leaned on. Or at least this should be apparent to one who's known him for as long as Maes Hughes has; even in his "old age," Roy still has the ability to make most people who don't know when he's joking wet themselves in defense and/or terror.


kodachromic November 25 2007, 06:41:02 UTC
"I don't think you would," Hughes says, and he leans on further to prove it. "Because you like looking at pretty faces, and you'd spoil the view."

He grins.

"That is, if your eyes aren't shot by now, what with the advancement of years."


snapcrackleburn November 25 2007, 06:45:39 UTC
"Says the man who's had to wear glasses the entire time I've known him." Roy treats Hughes to a glare. "And you're still older than I am, four-eyes, so you have absolutely no license to start knocking my age yet."

He refuses to make any further elaboration on the pretty face comment. Like Hughes' ego needs to be any bigger!


notashortbean November 25 2007, 06:58:57 UTC
Hey, look! It's the aforementioned Edward Elric, marching right up to Roy. He's said 'happy birthday' to Roy today already, and he'll do it again, but there's a difference between being able to do it out there and being able to do it in the bar.

"Yo," Ed says, stealing Roy's book and plopping himself in the other man's lap, all in the same movement.


snapcrackleburn November 25 2007, 07:01:29 UTC
Roy looks amused enough by Ed's arrival that he's not even going to protest when the guy takes his book away. He's never been one to object when a pretty girl or guy has decided to use his lap as a chair, in any case.

"Hello, Ed. Didn't I just see you earlier? Or has senility decided to arrive ahead of schedule?"


notashortbean November 25 2007, 07:08:21 UTC
"You know," Ed complains, "I've been good all day and I haven't made one old age crack. If you go and make 'em, that's just really unfair."

'Cuz then it makes it harder not to make them back!


snapcrackleburn November 25 2007, 07:14:31 UTC
"Launching a preemptive offensive is a perfectly legitimate strategy in battle, Fullmetal." Roy smirks. "No need to get sore just because I made it more difficult for you to reply; you're inventive to a fault, and I'm sure you'll find a way."

Still, he gives Ed a quick kiss. "But since you have refrained from such commentary, I suppose I should at least say 'thank you' for that."


armoralchemy November 25 2007, 08:55:00 UTC
Alphonse was in the suite he shares with his brother looking for a particular book today and on his way back out the front door he managed to spot Roy sitting in front of the fire.

Putting on his best smile Al walks over to greet the man.

"Good evening Gen... I mean Fuhrer Mustang, I heard about your promotion and wanted to congratulate you."

Al's smile is true his, tone and stance respectful, an odd contrast to how his brother would treat Roy.


snapcrackleburn November 25 2007, 19:57:52 UTC
It is, perhaps, best that Alphonse does not know exactly how his brother would treat Roy. Particularly considering the fact that the only times Ed stands to attention tend to be when the leader of his country isn't even in uniform.

"Alphonse." Roy smiles; the expression comes to him more easily these days, in spite of the pressures that he faces as a relatively new leader, in spite of the fact that he still has to contend with more than his share of political problems, in spite of those who would dearly like to take his country away from him. Perhaps it's because he's enjoying his new role, enjoying the fact that he's at last achieved what he set out to do so long ago and can finally make real progress toward improving the country he loves so dearly.

"I thank you, for your kind words. I had almost forgotten that you have not been in Amestris proper for some time, certainly not when I attained my current position. I've heard from Edward that you have recently returned; how has that transition suited you?"


armoralchemy November 27 2007, 01:32:08 UTC
"It's nice to be home, though for a while I thought that we would never find our way back again."

Al has a questioning look on his face. He wonders just how much detail his brother went into in regards to their return.

"Getting situated again is going to take a while, and I'm not wholly sure what I'm going to do, I need to find a way to make a living first."


killitwith_fire November 25 2007, 15:19:47 UTC
((ooc: oh oh oh would you mind a bit of a late tag? Because. Well. :D?))


snapcrackleburn November 25 2007, 19:48:06 UTC
(I do not mind! ^__^ I didn't get this message until a minute ago, and I have work in half an hour, but go ahead and tag and I'll reply when I get home this evening. X3)


killitwith_fire November 25 2007, 20:12:35 UTC
((ooc: haha, I have work in a little bit meself - and likewise did not get the notif until now.))

Roy should consider himself lucky that he's in a chair, and not the couch, because instead of a hostile glare, he gets a friendly grin as Axel slides into his favourite spot on his couch.



snapcrackleburn November 26 2007, 05:09:09 UTC
Roy has a great deal more fondness for chairs than he does for couches. You may not be able to stretch out as effectively in a chair, but at least you are not usually expected to share it.

And, because Axel offers a friendly grin instead of a hostile glare, he receives a polite nod in return.

"Hey. I do hope that I haven't taken your favourite spot?" he offers by way of greeting.


gammagammahey November 25 2007, 21:41:38 UTC
((Would you mind another late tag? I just couldn't resist trying to play Shulkie against Roy! :-) ))

Jennifer Walters' door to Milliways opens from a cold late autumn day in New York City, bringing with it the squall and roar of midtown traffic and a whooshing sound of cool air suddenly being assaulted by a space-time anomaly ( ... )


snapcrackleburn November 26 2007, 05:05:22 UTC
(OOC: I do not mind at all! :3 Just got home from work, and should be around for a couple hours at least.)

If Roy is at all surprised or perplexed by the arrival of one such as Jennifer (and he is; neither green skin nor pinstripes, and certainly not the level of the technology she sports, are the norm in Amestris), he does a good job of concealing it. More and more he is becoming used to oddities, courtesy of the anomaly that is Milliways -- not to mention the changes happening around his own world.

So, rather than react with any sort of shock or irritation at Jennifer's intrusion upon his privacy, Roy simply smiles and bows as politely as he can from his seated position.

"The arrival of a lady, no matter how unanticipated," he states gallantly, "is never one that should be looked upon as an unwelcome disturbance or interruption."

Unless, of course, that lady is Riza Hawkeye bearing paperwork or an admonition to get going or fall behind, but that's another matter entirely.


gammagammahey November 26 2007, 05:15:32 UTC
((Yay! :-D I'm also around for a couple of hours, so...RP synchronicity. ))

Well, that gets a wide, warm smile.

Jen's noticed the eyepatch, and the clothing that's slightly out of synch with the mainstream in her own world, but certainly not unheard of, particularly amongst the more passionate cultivar of Civil War recreationists and the like, as well as the occasional supervillain with a fondness for going all Napoleon.

"I would hope not, but hopes often are dashed in the icy waters of gender realpolitik. Jennifer Walters, Esquire, at your service. I was under the impression that virtually everything here was unanticipated."


snapcrackleburn November 26 2007, 05:34:56 UTC
If anything, Roy might be accused of going all Hitler. He is, for all intents and purposes, the parallel of that very man in the Other World. Fortunately Roy is as yet unaware of this fact -- even more fortunately, he's going to find it absolutely repulsive that he has to share his title with such a person.

Also, he will never, ever wear breeches, or a tricorn hat.

"Roy Mustang, Fuhrer." He smiles. "And I am rapidly coming to believe that such is the case. Although the adage 'expect the unexpected' might be put to good use here."


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