(no subject)

Nov 21, 2007 17:01

(Right before falling through the door...)

He's at the station, heading towards the lower platform where he can see light flashes coming from through a crack in the door and hears Branca's voice. Just as he opens the door, he trips.


He's expecting a far more painful fall down concrete steps as apposed to the flat wood floor he lands on, so it's quite a surprise. It's even more of a surprise when he finally raises his head and sees the bar he's landed in.

As he rises to his feet, his hand goes to his head, checking for any bleeding or bumps. Anything that might suggest this delusion is due to some serious head trauma. However, there's nothing but an ache in his knee from the fall. His mind is trying to work this out. Maybe another dream? It feels real though. What then? Has he gone insane again?

will scarlett, oom

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