First entrance.

Nov 04, 2007 19:03

Some things, you only really notice when they've changed--the recipe for your favorite snack food, the schedule for your favorite TV shows; and, in the case of a young man stepping through the doorway into the bar (who has no concept of snack foods or television), gravity.

In the few short moments where he is through the doorway and still upright, he can be seen to be a tall and lean young man, dressed in a strange robe of embroidered green silk, with wide wing-panels securely fastened at his wrists and ankles, somewhat like a flying squirrel.  He glances around in confusion, taking a step forward, and then the force of gravity hits him, and he hits the floor.

His first thought is that he is dead.  After a moment, it occurs to him that death probably doesn't feel so... heavy, and that, whatever is happening to him, he is not dead just yet.  He tries to pick himself up, but his muscles will not support him as far as standing; he manages to sit up, with effort, and there he remains, one hand on his chest, as his heart feels... wrong.

Telepathic receivers may pick up on an involuntary sending of fear and pain, especially when he realizes his door is gone.  Poor Neric, stranded in a strange place with such high gravity.

neric, raven, sergeant wells

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