
Oct 21, 2007 21:29

[OOC: You know when your life sucks.

Sometimes to remind you just how much your life sucks, they throw in a festival.

But instead of getting a nifty, neat episodic conclusion, Marian found The Door. Which meant returning to work in the House of Arch for Little Lady Ingress. Which ended of course, naturally and normally. But almost produced a ( Read more... )

maid marian, maria jackson, tyler durden, x-23, tom riddle, merlin, oom, amy

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powerful_blood October 22 2007, 04:07:34 UTC
From a rafter overhead, a woman hangs, and pokes Marian in the head, gently. Her robes defy gravity by staying in place firmly, and she smiles softly down at her friend as she hangs there, a small knife and a thick branch in her hands.

"A greeting unto you, my dear lady."


queenofmay October 22 2007, 04:11:39 UTC
Marian was almost annoyed at being poked so suddenly in the head, except it evaporated when she found the face of the person doing it. Which earned a rather weary, if constant expression, which was touched by curiosity.

"Why do you have a tree branch, Merlin?"


powerful_blood October 22 2007, 04:17:47 UTC
Her smile was brighter as she looked back at the branch, then shook her head.

"I am pondering making a wand, something to focus my magic with. It is a concept taught me by a young wizard here, and I am unsure if it will work for me or not, but such would not hurt to try!"

She then looked down at Marian.

"And why are you downtrodden this night, milady?"


queenofmay October 22 2007, 04:19:35 UTC
There was the smallest tug at the edges of her lips, for the enthusiasm that was being shown before her in new things. It was infectious, even if just barely touching her maelstrom.

"It's been a very, very long day, my friend. Both in my world and in this one."


powerful_blood October 22 2007, 04:22:11 UTC
"Would you talk of it, my friend? or would you rather simply be? I have discovered of late that I am good at just being."

Her smile was a quirky thing and she peered down at Marian with it.


queenofmay October 22 2007, 04:30:13 UTC
"I think I am presently at being. Even if being may at times involve strange random questions?" She was perhaps more honest, because so much existed there already, more than the people who'd dropped in on her before.


powerful_blood October 22 2007, 04:32:02 UTC
Merlin smiled and nodded, then dropped, with a suddenness, from her rafter, swinging about in mid-drop, to land opn her feet.. She stepped to the place Where Marian sat and sat across from her, setting down knife and wood.

"So be it, my friend. Being is fine, as are questions."

Her eyes gleamed a pure and brighter gold.


queenofmay October 22 2007, 04:38:50 UTC
She raised an eyebrow, the movement gaining a flicker of a smile that came and left just as quickly.

"How are you adjusting to being back at the Bar after so long?"


powerful_blood October 22 2007, 04:40:46 UTC
"Hmmm, well, it is both welcome, and disturbing. On the one hand, it is a joy to find such peace after so much war, and to find loved ones. on the other, it feels strange, to be here, with all of this, and yet so little i knew, and in this form."

She smiled, faintly.

"Sometimes, I feel a ghost walking."


queenofmay October 22 2007, 04:44:06 UTC
"At times it's hard for me to envision it. You are here, even if you look different and it has been so little time, and yet a decade for you. Endless time, and life, and memories."

She settled her chin on her hand.

"I wonder where I would if I were to leave here and not return for ten of my years."


powerful_blood October 22 2007, 04:45:50 UTC
Merlin's smile was bittersweet before fading.

"Not endless, believe me. Much will happen yet before I can claim anything remotely like such."

She eyes Marian.

"I daresay we all could wonder such, normally."


queenofmay October 22 2007, 04:49:43 UTC
"Time passes so quickly, sometimes." Marian picked up her tea cup to take a sip. "I'll have been a year in Milliways time in little time enough."

And possibly married.

With children.

As her head seemed never to shut up now.


powerful_blood October 22 2007, 04:58:30 UTC
Merlin watched her, and her brow crinkled, and she nodded.

"Indeed, such may be true. And what will you do?"

He eyes caught those of Marian, glimmering now Gold, now red.

"What will you do here, and at your world, for a year?"


queenofmay October 22 2007, 05:01:52 UTC
"It will not have been a year there," Marian said, quietly. "Perhaps a handful of months only. "Four, five at the most. Time move faster here for me, than there."

She took another sip of her tea. "I am not sure what one does here around such a time."


powerful_blood October 22 2007, 05:07:28 UTC
"I think one can do such as they do anywhere. This is a home, and a city, and a place unlike any other, and yet... it is also a good place. And it can bring wonders, if you can let it."


queenofmay October 22 2007, 05:11:29 UTC
Marian was no where near a world that involved wonder.

Unless it was one that promised equal decimation at the same moment.

"Maybe when it gets closer we'll see about planning something? Maybe a tea party?"

She said the words, but her heart wasn't very in it.


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